Blessed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blessed
As adjective : अनुमन्त्रित Ex:  Baichung Bhutia is blessed with footballing skills.
अभिमन्त्रित Ex:  Our blessed land
A blessed time
Blessed with a strong healthy body
बख्तवार Ex:  Egbert , blessed five altars in the Church of the Redemption . भाग्ययोग Ex:  A blessed bread decorated with small streamers भाग्यवान Ex:  A nation blessed by God उ:   धन से धन कमाने के मामले में बहुत ही भाग्यवान माने जाते हैं।
Other : आनंदमय Ex:  Every body should be blessed with prosperity धन्य Ex:  Choniates referred to him as "the most blessed among emperors" उ:   अरे, धन्य हो जायँ प्राण, तू ग्रहण करे यदि मुझको। मुबारक Ex:  '' The blessed apostles समृद्ध Ex:  also said sometimes Rejoicing as a blessed उ:   यहां एक पुराना और समृद्ध पुस्तकालय भी है।
Blessed ki paribhasha : mahaabhaarat ke anusaar ek naag ka naam kusha ki bani hui pavitri jise shraadghaadi men aanguliyon men pahanate hain bhaagyashaali vyakti
Blessed synonyms
consecrated exalted hallowed rewarded divine saved holy inviolable sacred sacrosanct spiritual enthroned resurrected glorified redeemed beatified adored revered among the angels unprofane favored content granted contented endowed blissful fortunate glad joyful joyous lucky
Blessed antonyms
condemned damned unlucky cursed disapproved unblessed unhappy unfavored dissatisfied upset discontent disturbed
Usage of Blessed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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