Blink meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blink
As noun : आँख झपकना Ex:  The TV announcer never seems to blink
टिमटिमाना पलक झपकना
Other : चौंध झपकी निमिष उ:   तमिळ और द्रविड़ भाषाओं में निमिष का अर्थ मिनट होता है।
Blink ki paribhasha : utana samay jitana palak girane men lagata hai samaan bandhi hui lau ke saath na jalana
Blink synonyms
flicker sparkle flash flutter squint bat nictitate shimmer glimmer scintillate nictate glitter forget overpass connive bypass discount omit slight fail cushion disregard overlook condone neglect pass by turn a blind eye
Blink antonyms
attend be aware pay attention accomplish achieve complete respect prevent succeed finish regard
Usage of Blink in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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