Bloc meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bloc
As noun : गुट Ex:  Argentina is a member of an international bloc उ:   बहस का अन्त नहीं हो रहा था, क्योंकि दरबारियों के दो गुट हो चुके थे।
गुटृट्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र्र Ex:  The Appalachian regions in the Southeast are a swing bloc
Other : गुट्ट Ex:  While soviet bloc satellites have used them for decades
Bloc ki paribhasha : kisi vishesh abhipraay se banaaya hua dal
Bloc synonyms
association faction league ring alliance cabal confederation allied group
Usage of Bloc in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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