Blockage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blockage
As noun : अवरोध Ex:  There is a blockage in his left ventricle
ठठैरी Ex:  Since blockage of the artery is gradual निरूपलेप विहनन स्तिभि
Other : अवरोधन Ex:  Current flow and current blockage represent binary 1 and 0 or true or false .
Blockage ki paribhasha : parvat ka nimn bhaag ya avasarpini bhoomi
Blockage synonyms
stoppage jam traverse clog bar barrier wall snag impasse obstacle impediment hindrance barricade hamper block
Blockage antonyms
advantage aid assistance clearance opening help
Usage of Blockage in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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