Bloom meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bloom
As noun : अरूणिमा Ex:  The roses will bloom in due course .
कली या कोंपल या फूल या पुष्प या 2.बौर या लाली या यौवन या नवयौवना Ex:  It produces clusters of fragrant, white flowers that bloom simultaneously. काकशीर्ष Ex:  When wildflowers are not in bloom कुक्कुटशिख Ex:  Botanical exotic plant whose flowers, which resemble those of buckwheat, do not bloom until after sunset चिटकना Ex:  Development and flowers blooming or when plants bloom, or condition of the plants in bloom देवप्रिय Ex:  It further says Spikes isolated rocks in the sea and bloom धुरेटा Ex:  The almond trees bloom early in धुलि Ex:  The dam was not yet in bloom धूड़ि Ex:  The orange trees , after wearing flowers in spring, usually bloom again in autumn धूल Ex:  The painters and poets that bloom at this time उ:   मोर को धूल से स्नान करना बहुत प्रिय होता है। धूलिपटल Ex:  The roses bloom soon shed their leaves नवयौवन Ex:  The sun makes flowers bloom नवयौवना Ex:  The vines are in bloom नीलंगु Ex:  This passage is dangerous, there are underwater rocks in bloom पहौप ‡ Ex:  This plant is in full bloom पुप्प,प्फ Ex:  When the beans are in bloom पोमाना पोहोप फुलरी फुल्लना फुल्लि फूल उ:   कमल के फूल अपनी सुंदरता के लिए जाने जाते हैं। फूलना उ:   यहाँ प्रति वर्ष फाग फूलना मेला महोत्सव होता है। फ़ूलना बेहतरना बौर बौराना मणीच मणीवक मुक्तापुष्प रंजी रिप्र वनमल्लिका वसूक शगुफा सितपुष्पिका सुमनस सौमना हारसिंगार
Other : तैयारी Ex:  In terms of Botany, sun flowers, ones that bloom while the sun is on the horizon उ:   त्योहार के एक दिन पहले तैयारी की रस्में होती हैं। बहार उ:   शरीर के सभी विषैले तत्त्व बहार निकल जाते हैं। विकास उ:   कथा-काव्य का विकास इस युग की विशेषता है।
Bloom ki paribhasha : avastha ka vah madhy bhaag jo paudhon ka vah avayav jo RRitu- kaal men utpann hota hai rukhaayi ke kaaran oopari satah men daraaj padna patthar ya sip aadi ka phuanka hua tukad jisase choona banaaya jaata hai kisi ko aisa kar dena ki vah bhala bura na vichaar sake vah vyakti jo striyon ko bahakaakar kumaarg ki or pravratt karana ho vah stri jisake yauvan ka aarnbh ho garbhaadhaanavaale paudhon men vah grnthi jisamen phal utpann karane ki shakti hoti hai aur jise udibhadon ki jananedriy kah sakate hain mitti, ret aadi ka mahin choor phoolon se yukt hona
Bloom synonyms
blossom blossoming opening efflorescence floret bud flourishing floweret prosper sprout germinate grow thrive blow develop fructify burst wax succeed burgeon be in flower bear fruit fare well tassel out
Bloom antonyms
shrivel wither fail lose shrink die halt stop decline end
Usage of Bloom in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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