Blow stack meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blow stack
As noun :
आपे से बाहर होना
Blow stack synonyms
blow up blow a fuse get mad blow one's top lose one's temper crack up hit the ceiling wig out blow a gasket fly off the handle go ape go ballistic go berserk go haywire go nuts go off the deep end lose control of oneself lose it blow one's mind lose one's composure lose one's mind come unglued break down go bananas work oneself up flip one's lid lose one's cool turmoil fever madness burst fury rage excitement mania passion free-for-all furor outburst craze hysteria agitation ruction seizure conniption convulsion transport row fit distemper derangement ferment bout spasm stir to-do ruckus fuss aberration insanity rumble stew paroxysm flap lunacy lather distraction rumpus delirium dithers hell broke loose wingding blow one's cork go batty go bonkers go buggy go cuckoo go daffy go kooky go loco go loony go mental go nutty go off the wall go psycho go wacko go wacky go off one's rocker fume smolder simmer bristle flare boil foam froth burn storm spark be furious be incensed be livid be mad be on the warpath breathe fire foam at mouth see red
Blow stack antonyms
calm happiness calmness soundness saneness harmony order peace balance peacefulness be happy freeze
Usage of Blow stack in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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