Blue blooded meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blue blooded
As noun : अभीजात
कुलवान कुलीन वर्ग का कुलीन उ:   इसके नृत्यकार आम आदमी होते हैं, न कि समाज के कुलीन वर्ग। कुलीनक कुलोदभव कौलकेय जातिमान् जेन्य वंशभव विशिष्टकुल
Blue blooded ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ke bngaali braahmana, jo un paaanch braahmanon ki sntaan hain, jinhen pnchagaud ke mahaaraaj aadi- shoor apane raajy men saagnik braahman na hone ke kaarana, aatharvi shalaabdi ke aarnbh men kaashi se apane saath le gae the
Blue blooded synonyms
elite noble privileged purebred refined bluestocking pedigreed upper-class well-born haughty elegant dignified stylish courtly aloof polished snobbish genteel courteous polite cultured highbred brahmin royal grand high-class wellborn well-mannered urbane civil considerate gallant taught trained well-behaved cultivated upper-crust imperial kingly thoroughbred queenly titled
Blue blooded antonyms
bourgeois common low lower-class unrefined ignoble unsophisticated inelegant indecorous wanting undignified rough unfashionable low-born low-life poor vulgar unprivileged impolite uncivil unmannerly unkind odorous putrid rude crude troubled violent wild harsh loud sharp strong unmannered
Usage of Blue blooded in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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