Blue meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blue
As noun : अँत्रिख Ex:  the rug had a wide blue border
अंतरख Ex:  her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue अंतरिछ Ex:  Lucy has a blue worsted skirt. अंबड़ि Ex:  he had eyes of bright blue अंबरपुरं Ex:  acid-wash blue jeans अकसवा Ex:  behind you the coastal hills plunge to the incredibly blue sea backed by the Turkish mountains अकाश Ex:  The accused created a blue murder in the court during the prosecution. अतिनैतिकतावादी Ex:  He got blue for football. अदर्शनोय Ex:  The flowers of delphinium are blue in colour. अन्यमन Ex:  He walked out of the building with a man in blue coat. अभीजात Ex:  I like blue lilies. अश्लील Ex:  the impregnation, whatever it was, had turned the rock blue असौष्ठव Ex:  He had a navy blue shirt. आकाश Ex:  Hemangini`s garden is decorated by plants like blue bell. उ:   यह अपना अधिक समय आकाश में उड़ते हुए बिताता है। आकाशास्तिकाय Ex:  He dived deep in the blue waters. आकास Ex:  stonewash blue jeans आनर Ex:  
Liquid blue eyes.
आमणदूमण Ex:  Indians are playing in blue and white strips. उडुपथ Ex:  You look like you feel blue . उदास संगीत Ex:  I would like to do this room in blue . उदास Ex:  I skipped over the red ones and took a blue one . उपतप्त Ex:  The shell's structure is distinctive: sinuous bands of blue उपाधि Ex:  The yellow and the blue form the first big contrast, which is dynamic. उ:   १९३० में इन्हें पी.एच.डा. उपाधि मिली। उशत् Ex:  This resulted in the frog appearing blue in colour, instead of green. ऊर्द्ध्वलोक Ex:  Sewn together, it forms a pattern of alternating blue and white shapes. कष्टित Ex:  This blue salt of copper किंजल्क Ex:  Jazz is a kind of music characterized by blue notes कुंढंगा Ex:  The next colors to be distinguished are usually red and then blue or green. कुढ़ंग Ex:  Red paint, viewed under blue light, may appear black. कुफारी Ex:  Various shades of blue have been used in the Saltire over the years. कुलवान Ex:  The ground of the current Union Flag is a deep "navy" blue कुलीन Ex:  The currently accepted flag of Scotland however uses a lighter "royal" blue उ:   ये सत्य से वैसे ही नष्ट हो जातीं हैं जैसे मद्यपान से कुलीन स्त्रियां। कुलीनक Ex:  Many mammals are indicated as having blue hair or fur but in all known cases कुलोदभव Ex:  These cheeses have distinct blue veins which gives them their name कौलकेय Ex:  Anthocyanins are water-soluble flavonoid pigments that appear red to blue खं Ex:  The exterior is available only in the white and blue colour scheme खहदल Ex:  The heaviest blue whale on record weighed about 195 tons गंगापथ Ex:  Antarctic sea life includes penguins, blue whales, orcas and fur seals. गमजदा Ex:  1904, and is a British blue ensign defaced with the state badge. गयशिर Ex:  Lauren Towers seen in blue गोबरगणेश Ex:  Instead of champagne, red, white and blue water was sprayed on the plane. घनपदवी Ex:  Both the Guernsey Post postal boxes and the telephone boxes are painted blue घनबास Ex:  The blue light carries more momentum than the red light घनवर्त्म Ex:  In Tibet, however, a greener blue is said to be preferred. घासलेटो Ex:  And here he is, the down-home clean-cut boy in the blue tights and red cape". छायापथ Ex:  In 1904-05 the first blue whales were taken off South Georgia. जातिमान् Ex:  Some Antarctic blue whales approach the eastern South Atlantic coast in winter जेन्य Ex:  This includes the blue stars in other galaxies तारापथ Ex:  Schumacher changed the upper blue colour and some of the white areas to red. तृंढ Ex:  The Cyanotype process produces an image of blue and white for example. त्रिदशवर्त्म Ex:  Uniforms are now frequently blue त्रिदिव Ex:  He also showed that red light gets refracted less than blue light थुँदला Ex:  A blue diamond recently fetched nearly $8 million. दरदवंद Ex:  Other colors may also be reproduced such as blue दरदी Ex:  Their uniform was a darker blue than that of the line regiments दुःखी Ex:  IE6 updated the original 'blue e' logo to a lighter blue and more 3-d look. उ:   अपनी सेना तथा पुत्रों के नष्ट हो जाने से विश्वामित्र बड़े दुःखी हुये। दुखारी Ex:  The blue color is actually created for the same reason that water is blue दुखी भावना Ex:  Public transportation is through public buses or blue and white share taxis. दुस्थ Ex:  The flag has horizontal bands of red and blue दूमणा Ex:  The most important characteristics of the blues is its use of the blue scale देववर्त्म Ex:  Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes धमधूसर Ex:  This can be seen from the intense blue and black color of the ornaments नक्षत्रवर्त्म Ex:  They participated in the Tour de France wearing blue national uniforms नभःस्थल Ex:  In 1996 the midfield wishbone "C" was changed to a large blue Bears head नभस्थली Ex:  There are six blue plaques that commemorate places associated with Tolkien नभोदेश Ex:  In globular clusters a few stars known as blue stragglers are observed निराशाजनक Ex:  The blue signifies naval ties निराशापूर्ण Ex:  Esfahani rugs and carpets usually have ivory backgrounds with blue निराह्लाद Ex:  Then he opened his wings and flew right away into the blue . निष्कांत Ex:  A blue pattern on a yellow background नील लगाना Ex:  A uniform blue lapel नील Ex:  A white cloth with blue stripes उ:   नील का पौधा दो-तीन हाथ ऊँचा होता है। नीलनिलय Ex:  also said a blue sky, a clear sky, cloudless नीलपत्रिका Ex:  Bird Zoology order Songbirds, which has blue plumage and lives primarily in water, in marshes नीलवसन Ex:  Black pencil, white, blue नीला कपड़ा Ex:  blue Taffeta turquin नीला रंग चढाना Ex:  Botanical name of a small plant with blue flowers नीला रंग लगाना Ex:  brownish color, the blue नीला रंग Ex:  Chemistry substance that has similar chemical properties to those of soda, that is to say, which turns blue and red litmus combines with acids to form salts नीला वस्ट्र पहना हुआ Ex:  Close green, blue and large, etc नीला Ex:  Colour blue sky, a soft blue color उ:   नीला आकाश १९६५ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है। नौरुप Ex:  Gem which is blue and not transparent पजमुर्दा Ex:  Glycine of China, Shrub with sarmenteuse rod, remarkable for many beautiful bunches of blue flowers पदक Ex:  green glasses, blue उ:   मेज़बान रूस पदक तालिका में शीर्ष पर रहा। परिम्लायी Ex:  Having blue eyes पर्युत्सुक Ex:  Having blue eyes, black, gray, green, minnows पिअर ‡ Ex:  Having blue eyes, black, gray, green, minnows पीतराग Ex:  He said as a male name from the blue color पीतवर्ण Ex:  In a color between green and blue पीरो Ex:  In terms of Blason, he said of the blue enamel coat of arms उ:   पीरो के जन्म के बर४ए में बहुत कम जानकारी मिलती है। पीला Ex:  It is also intransitive verb and Become mean blue उ:   पीला आर्सेनिक पारदर्शी होता है। प्रवाचन Ex:  It is also said of a Light blue, like the blue फुहस Ex:  It is also used as a noun and refers to any substance that prints on the tongue a similar flavor to that of vinegar and that puts the blue to red color Plant बिठ Ex:  It still means a plant of the family Primulaceae, also called Mouron blue or red Mouron बिठक Ex:  It was that day a blue suit बिल्ला Ex:  Knights of the Holy Spirit wore the blue ribbon बिसमौ Ex:  Lisière red, blue striped, etc बिहायसी Ex:  Make a blue to someone, get a blue बुध्न Ex:  Mineralogy hydrated copper sulfate, which is color Prussian blue बेढब Ex:  of both genders who pulls on the blue बेढ़ंगा Ex:  Once the shield of France were three lilies of gold in blue field बेवजा Ex:  Plant family Apocynaceae, including native species has blue or white flower and leaves of a beautiful green भद्दा Ex:  Ratine black, blue भूतपति Ex:  reddish-gray metal, hard and brittle, usually combined with arsenic, and whose oxide the property to give the glass a blue मगमूम Ex:  Send, get a little blue, Send, receive a pneumatic dispatch whose color is blue मरुत्वर्त्म Ex:  Small plant with blue or red flowers, the family Primulaceae महाबलि Ex:  Some substances in the air turn blue मेघद्वार Ex:  Sort of hard stone and opaque, blue lighter or darker, and usually dotted with small pyrite veins similar to gold मेघमंडल Ex:  Species Botanical bellflower pyramid that rises and carries blue flowers since its base to its top मेघवर्त्म Ex:  The action of prussic acid on iron gives Prussian blue मेघवेश्म Ex:  The blue and pink go well together मेडल Ex:  The blue dominates this cloth उ:   धार्मिक व सामाजिक संस्थाओं ने उन्हें मेडल प्रदान किए। मेरुपृष्ठ Ex:  The ceiling of the temples Egyptian was painted blue रँग Ex:  The cold hands turn blue रंग Ex:  The green clashes with the blue उ:   यह रंग इसी नाम के फल के पकने पर आता है। रंगड़ा Ex:  The ornaments of this room have white highlights on a blue background रंजूर Ex:  The potassium hydroxide, ammonia, blue vegetable dyes are reactive वंशभव Ex:  The skin turns blue cold वर्णका Ex:  The sky blue वर्णगत Ex:  These are blue वातमार्ग Ex:  They are called white penitents, blue penitents penitents black, gray, etc वायुलोक Ex:  This blue embroidery great on this gray background वायुवर्त्म Ex:  turquin blue towel वाय्यास्पद Ex:  When the blood carries to his head, it becomes all blue वासवावास Ex:  , The blue color of the sky, sea, waves, etc विक्लिष्ट Ex:  , These mountains are silhouetted against the blue of the sky, they stand out with great clarity विक्षित Ex:  , To have blue blood, be of aristocratic origin विपज्जन्य Ex:  Aromatic family plant Labiatae with small blue flowers that come per head विपांडु Ex:  de Botany plant of the family Umbelliferae a blue oil which is extracted विपांडुर Ex:  Passer blue one thing, Make purposely not take care of one thing विप्रतिसारी Ex:  We also called the tricolor and blue Liset Liseron विमुद विरुप विलक्खा विललंती विशिष्टकुल विषाद विष्णुपद विह विहाई विहायस्, विहायस वीहंगड़ा वृत्वा वोम व्योममंड़ल व्योमस्थल शोण शोषिणी श्रीफली संसदन सदस्यअ समायस्त सिद्धपथ सीद्यमान सुरपथ सुरवर्त्म सोमधारा स्तीर्वि हरिद्राभ हसीर
As adjective : अश्लील . Ex:  Indian Airforce has blue uniform. आकाशी Ex:  The sky is blue in colour. नील तितली Ex:  A blue ribbon, pink नील देना Ex:  A makings a beautiful blue नीला करना या हो जाना Ex:  Botanical Gender Scrophulariaceae which includes a large number of species, most with blue flowers नीला रंग चढ़ाना Ex:  Botanical Tree native to Japan, remarkable for its large leaves and flowers of a beautiful blue नीला होना Ex:  Color the blue glass, red, etc नीलायन Ex:  Gem softer than diamond, transparent and blue
Other : आसमानी रंग Ex:  Periwinkle is a plant that has blue and white flowers. उड़ाना Ex:  The red car caught up with the blue one . खिलाड़ी Ex:  The use of blue notes उ:   दिनेश मोंगिया भारतीय क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी हैं।
Blue ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka snchaari bhaav jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho ek prakaar ka gahana jisamen kisi devata ke paidon ke chihn ankit hote hain aur jo praayaः baalakon ki raksha ke liye pahanaaya jaata hai ek prakaar ke bngaali braahmana, jo un paaanch braahmanon ki sntaan hain, jinhen pnchagaud ke mahaaraaj aadi- shoor apane raajy men saagnik braahman na hone ke kaarana, aatharvi shalaabdi ke aarnbh men kaashi se apane saath le gae the vah jisake snyog se koi vastu or ki aur athava kisi vishesh roop men dikhaayi de kisi udnevaali vastu ko udne men pravratt karana ek paudha jisase nila rng nikaala jaata hai jisaki banaavat men ang pratyng ki saapekshik chhotaayi badai ka dhyaan na rakha gaya ho ek prakaar ka rng jo haladi ya sone ke rng se milata julata hota hai aur jo haladi, harasingaar aadi se banaaya jaata hai mallaar raag ki ek bhaarya
Blue synonyms
turquoise royal azure navy blue-green indigo sapphire ultramarine cobalt beryl teal cerulean blue-gray melancholy dispirited depressed downcast dejected low moody despondent disconsolate dismal downhearted fed up gloomy glum unhappy woebegone down in the dumps dirty bawdy indecent lewd naughty obscene off-color racy risquã© salty shady smutty spicy suggestive wicked
Blue antonyms
joyful joyous lighthearted upbeat gay happy clean decent unvulgar cheerful encouraged satisfied heartened rich
Usage of Blue in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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