Bluff meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bluff
As noun : अकलखुरा Ex:  He is known for his bluff behavior .
कमरंद Ex:  The river meanders from bluff to bluff in the flat Midwestern states झाँसा Ex:  Play colin- buff, the blind man's bluff धौंसना बडी बडी निजी प्रशंसा की बातें केवल बडी बडी बातें करके भुलावा देना ब्लफ उ:   यह जगह ब्लफ के नाम से भी काफी प्रसिद्ध है। बड़ी बड़ी निजी प्रशंसा की बातें केवल बड़ी बड़ी बातें करके भुलावा देना रुरुक्षु रूखा उ:   इस आर्द्रतादर्शक में एक रूखा स्वच्छ बाल रहता है। साठनाठ
Other : चौडा Ex:  The bluff front, however, meant that the model struggled to reach . भबकी वप्र
Bluff ki paribhasha : mithya vyavahaar jisase doosare ke man men mithya pratiti utpann ho vah jo gurujanon ke saamane aisa kaam kare jo anuchit ho dnd dene ya anisht karane ka vichaar jo bhay dikhaane ke liye prakat kiya jaay mitti ka ooancha dhussa, jo gadh ya nagar ki khaayi se nikali hui mitti ke dher se chaaron aur uthaaya jaata hai aur jisake oopar praakaar ya divaar hoti hai apana kaam saadhane ke liye kisi ko bahakaane ki kriya jisamen ghi, tel aadi chikane padaarth na pade hon
Bluff synonyms
short blunt brief direct frank rough tart open barefaced brusque candid crusty curt downright forthright gruff hearty honest laconic no-nonsense outspoken rude sincere snippy straightforward tactless terse unceremonious short-spoken snippety blustering bearish breviloquent plain-spoken sham subterfuge ruse lie humbug fraud deception show front delusion snow bravado feint trick stall braggadocio fake facade pretext pretense false front false colors bragging jiving cliff ridge hill promontory mountain escarpment headland peak rock bank crag pretend delude fool shuck feign beguile mislead simulate affect juggle counterfeit betray defraud double-cross put on take in jive bunco fake out illude psych out
Bluff antonyms
courteous polite dishonest lengthy long devious definite honesty frankness reality truth openness protect come clean support reveal tell truth be honest
Usage of Bluff in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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