Boarding house meaning in hindi
As noun : खाने और रहने का स्थान Ex: He then took up residence in the Westminster School boarding house
छात्रावास उ: इस छात्रावास को छात्रवास क्रमांक १० भी कहते हैं। बोर्डिंग हाउस भोजनावास होस्टेल
Other : छात्रालय Ex: March moved to a small boarding house in Brooklyn
Boarding house ki paribhasha : vah sthaan jahaaan vidyaarthiyon ke thaharane ka prabndh ho
ExamplesBoarding house synonyms
hut dormitory apartment dwelling palace resort shelter house hospital cottage farm condominium place trailer residence mansion cabin villa dump hangout habitation asylum cave domicile pad hideout abode flat manor nest haunt joint address hearth shanty roof turf castle crash pad home plate fireside diggings co-op roost orphanage digs homestead bungalow rooming house commorancy hole in the wall living quarters parking place where the hat is tavern motel inn hostel caravansary hospice spa hostelry public house flophouse fleabag auberge roadhouse motor inn lodge harbor camp cover protection port bed and breakfast chambers lodgment room and board pied-ã -terre coop slum cooperative rental high-rise apartment complex high-rise apartment building project housing Boarding house antonyms
office Usage of Boarding house in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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