Boast meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Boast
As noun : अंहकार करना Ex:  It was his proud boast that he was sincere in his work despite his
अंहकार Ex:  India can boast of its uniquely diverse culture. अगर्व Ex:  His boast that he has achieved a lot in life impressed nobody. अपाण Ex:  Never boast about your achievements. अभिमान या बडाई की बात Ex:  I don't like to boast of what I did . अभिमान या बड़ाई की बात Ex:  They also boast the second highest number of players in the world. अभिमान युक्त बात करना Ex:  Colombo does not boast a very big art gallery. अमेठी Ex:  While the cuisine of Lebanon doesn't boast an entire repertoire of sauces उ:   अमेठी जिला बनने तक मात्र जो एक ब्लाक था। अवोत्कीर्णन Ex:  The islands also boast funaná and batuque music. आत्मश्लाघा Ex:  The wealthier neighborhoods boast luxury shops आत्मस्तुति करना Ex:  , announce the boast of a noisy way उच्छ्रय उच्छ्राय Ex:  Getting glory of something, if do honor to boast or उपश्लाघा Ex:  He dared boast of reach Racine कर्रोफर Ex:  If boast means glorify be honored to किबर Ex:  If in make believe, presume too much of himself, to boast one deserves not कुंड़ Ex:  If to glory, honor of something to boast in, stick honored गरुरत Ex:  It is also said to boast the Action गर्व Ex:  It is his hero, he continues to boast उ:   इस पर हमें गर्व है । गर्वोक्ति Ex:  It says figuratively Persons and means Estimate a man above its value, boast beyond its merit गौरव करना Ex:  This person, this thing commends itself, She has enough merit, value for it is not necessary to boast डींग Ex:  Who the used to boast उ:   उन्होंने केवन डींग ही नहीं मारी अपितु जो कहा वह करके भी दिखाया। डींगमारना Ex:  , crows To boast success नाचकूद Ex:  , Do not count your chickens before putting the floor, must not have a thing to possess before, Do not boast too soon an uncertain success प्रदृप्ति Ex:  , Do not sell the bear's skin before it was killed, must not dispose of one thing before you possess, do not boast too soon of an uncertain success बढ Ex:  , Large tellers do not great doers, those who boast the most, who promise the most are usually those who do less उ:   बद्ज़ात बच्चों पर हमले बढ जाते हैं। भोकाल Ex:  By irony To boast of his ignorance मानवर्जित मुरड़ वल्गित विकत्था शौंडीर्य शौटीरता शौडीर सरभ
As verb : इतराना Ex:  boast कत्थन Ex:  If Applauding means Boast, boast गारौ Ex:  There is much to boast in what he says गौरव Ex:  To boast of having done something उ:   यह देश के राष्ट्रीय गौरव का प्रतीक है। डींग मारना Ex:  To boast of his nobility, his wealth फौकना ‡ Ex:  , Do not sell the bear's skin before you have caught before putting it on the floor, must not have a thing before possess; we must not boast too soon of an uncertain success मर्य्यादा महित्व महिम वकअत संपदू संश्रव सद्भावश्री समुत्कर्ष
Boast ki paribhasha : vah upahaar jo bar ka bad bhaayi vadhou ko deta hai vyngyoktipurvak prashnsa karanevaala ek prakaar ka snchaari bhaav roop aur yauvan ka ghamnd dikhaana chhndaःshaastr men guru hone ka bhaav ya sthiti
Boast synonyms
bluster grandiloquence swank exaggeration self-satisfaction joy gasconade treasure bravado pretension bombast braggadocio avowal vaunt heroics pride and joy advertise shovel crow flaunt fake bully blow swagger prate exult sling strut grandstand gloat flourish shuck shoot glory exaggerate preen triumph puff vapor aggrandize show off jive cock-a-doodle-doo showboat attract attention blow smoke congratulate oneself flatter oneself give a good account of oneself hug oneself lay on thick psych sound off talk big blow one's own horn exhibit claim possess be proud of have in keeping pride oneself on
Boast antonyms
humility modesty deprecation conceal hide deprecate be sad fail be modest deny dispossess lose not have
Usage of Boast in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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