Bomb meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bomb
As noun : अणु अस्ट्र Ex:  they regarded the atom bomb as a monstrosity
अभाग्य से असफल होना Ex:  Several people were killed in bomb explosion. असफल होना Ex:  The whole building rocked as the bomb exploded.
The scandal about bribe rocked his life.
बड़ी असफलता Ex:  Makai Hall then grabbed the bomb and threw the bomb south . बम का गोला Ex:  When the bomb exploded बम फेंकना Ex:  Akagi was hit by just one bomb बम बरसाना या गिराना Ex:  Sōryū took three bomb hits in the hangar decks बम से आक्रमण करना Ex:  Denham hurls a gas bomb बम Ex:  Abdul Sattar Abu Risha was killed in a bomb attack in the city of Ramadi. उ:   बम विस्फोट और भूकम्प से भी हिमस्खलन हो सकता है। बमअ Ex:  Teller also advocated the development of a bomb using uranium hydride बमकारी करना Ex:  The bomb was set by Eric Robert Rudolph बमबारी करना Ex:  Berkman tried and failed to make a bomb बम्बारी करना Ex:  The crews are also trained to deal with situations such as bomb threats बहुत पैसा Ex:  They stayed on, though their views on the hydrogen bomb were well known.
As verb : बम गिराना Ex:  This bomb exploded on contact
Other : बंब Ex:  The CO2 bomb landed on Daniel Steepleton's thigh.
Bomb ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ka kuchh bad gol pind baggi, phitan aadi men aage ki or laga hua vah lnba baaans jisake donon or ghode jote jaate hain
Bomb synonyms
explosive rocket mine missile projectile device charge shell grenade atom bomb nuclear bomb torpedo ticker bombshell molotov cocktail hydrogen bomb wipe out raid bombard destroy attack blow up blast blitz rake cannonade strafe napalm prang rain destruction zero in flop flummox lose blow it go out of business wash out
Bomb antonyms
create aid protect build do well succeed win achieve
Usage of Bomb in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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