Book meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Book
As noun : अकाउंटबुक Ex:  You have to book picture writing.
अटम Ex:  The kernel of his book was published in the newspaper. अटागर Ex:  I havent found the book yet. अश्मगर्भ Ex:  His book displays over-much talent अश्मयोनि Ex:  The dates in the book were unspecified. उपाचिति Ex:  She returned the book unread. किताब Ex:  He zoomed in on the book उ:   अपनी किताब और ब्लॉग से भी वो चर्चा में आए। कितेबा Ex:  This book belongs to me कितेवा Ex:  He took the book from his friend. गंजो Ex:  adopt a book for a screenplay गरुडांकित Ex:  Alif Laila is a book of fiction. गरुडाश्मन् Ex:  Ram gave the book to Rama. गारूत्मत Ex:  His latest book consists beautiful sonnets. जखीर Ex:  She claimed that the book was hers. जीवन इतिहास Ex:  illustrate a book with drawings डिढाना Ex:  Replace a book on the shelf. डेरु Ex:  The book is on the table. ढेर Ex:  The book was about ghosts and sprites. उ:   इस बहाने ढेर सारी जगहों पर घूमाया गया है। ढेरो Ex:  He gave me the book beforehand. तोत Ex:  The pages of the book were yellowed with age. धनपत्र Ex:  I wrote the book in the glimmering. नाम दर्ज़ करना Ex:  he received royalties on his book नियत करना Ex:  it is a intersting book नियमावली Ex:  you inaugrated the book उ:   ...कि इसके लिए विस्तृत नियमावली "यहाँ" उपलब्ध है। नियुक्त करना Ex:  This is an interesting book from first to last. निरताना Ex:  The book received good notices. निर्धार, निर्धारण Ex:  Collins and Lapeirre worked collaboratively for the book Freedom at Midnight. निश्चित करना Ex:  this is a lucidly written book पंजि Ex:  I am bringing a new book out . पंना Ex:  He bought back his book from George . पणबंध Ex:  Here's the book I promised you . पन्ना Ex:  I know him like a book . उ:   पन्ना जिला सागर संभाग के अन्तर्गत आता है। पर्णमणि Ex:  What is this? This is a book . पुसतक Ex:  In 1570 Palladio published his book उ:   यह प्रमुख महत्त्व की पुसतक है। पुस्तक Ex:  In the first book of his Meteorology उ:   प्रत्येंक पुस्तक मे कई-कई चित्र भी दिये गए है। पुस्तकें लिखनेवाला Ex:  He called his theory Logotherapy and the book was Man's Search for Meaning. पूगकृत Ex:  The book was one of Baum's weakest पैक्ट Ex:  The first book printed in Hungary was the Chronica Hungarorum. प्रभूतता Ex:  Bill Jenkinson's 2006 book प्राग्भार Ex:  In his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom बही खाता Ex:  Writing of the "artist as prophet" in his book बही में दर्ज़ करना Ex:  Kircher published his first book in 1631 बही Ex:  The book describes her life as a series of three acts उ:   सामान्य बही खाता अब "संतुलित" हो जाता है। बाइबिल Ex:  Howard Hawks made a film based on the book a few years later. उ:   बाइबिल इससे भिन्न है। बुधरत्न Ex:  According to the book Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel मुष्क Ex:  Knut Hamsun for the book "Markens grøde" in 1920 राजनील Ex:  Random House had published a book of Dylan's drawings and paintings लेखा बही Ex:  In 1844, Hermann Grassmann published his book Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre . विशेषना Ex:  Jane Fisher, his ex-wife , wrote a book about his life. विसर Ex:  Although it was an autograph book शर्त लगाना Ex:  In his book Democracy and Distrust शर्त लगानेवाला Ex:  Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez recommended Chomsky's book शर्त Ex:  In the Old Testament book Ecclesiastes उ:   यह शर्त साथ न होती तो शुल्क और कम होता। शाष्कुलिक Ex:  Kane had dedicated the book to Allan शीट Ex:  In his book Following the Equator उ:   राष्ट्रीय कैंसर संस्थान फैक्ट शीट वेब साइट में । संगीत पुस्तिका Ex:  Heinlein's first novel published as a book संग्रह Ex:  Later in the same book उ:   इस संग्रह के पीछे का इतिहास बहुत रोचक है। संपुंज Ex:  In 1978 Michael H. Hart published a book called संपुटका, संपुटिका Ex:  Edwin Black writes: In Robinson's book संस्त्याय Ex:  In Simon Fass's research book समवहार Ex:  In later years Eliot disavowed the book समुच्छय Ex:  In his book The Physics समूहन Ex:  In Steven Johnson's book सर्ग Ex:  The name was also used by J.R.R. Tolkien in his book "The Hobbit" उ:   इस सर्ग में कामपत्नी रति का करुण विलाप है। सेँत Ex:  In 1893 professor Hoffman wrote a book called “Puzzles Old and New”. हरितमणि Ex:  In the book What Engineers Know and How They Know It हरितमनि Ex:  His book On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals written about 825 हरित् Ex:  Another major book was his Kitab surat al-ard हस्तलिपि Ex:  In his book Saints and Sinners उ:   उन्होंने सोचा कि क्यों ना पूरी हस्तलिपि लिकने कि कोशिश करू।
Other : ग्रंथ साहब Ex:  this is my sixth book ग्रंथ Ex:  This book has many pitfalls for its readers. उ:   ज्ञानेश्वरी भक्ति-रस-प्रधान ग्रंथ है। ग्रन्थ Ex:  I bought a book on gallows humour. उ:   दसम ग्रन्थ का सत्कार सारी सिख कौम करती है। टांक रखना Ex:  Hers is the ninth book on the list. दर्ज करना Ex:  The book has twelve chapters. दर्ज़ करना Ex:  They rated the book quite high. पुस्तक में लिखना Ex:  Due to his book Vitruvius Britannicus पुस्तकागार Ex:  In his book "The Virginian Railway" पुस्तांकित करना Ex:  During 1621 and 1622 Galileo wrote his first book पोथी Ex:  Wine: As Hugh Johnson says in its book बही में लिखना Ex:  " The book was adapted from the first four radio episodes. बही समायोजन Ex:  One day, during such a visit, she wrote on a book at his desk, "Remember me! बाज़ी लगाना Ex:  The book by Vladimir Nabokov बुक करना Ex:  In his book The Tao of Jeet Kune Do बुक Ex:  Lawrence worked from a notebook that he kept while enlisted उ:   नई दिल्ली; नॉर्दन बुक सेन्टर। भाड़े पर लेना Ex:  At the end of the book संपत्र Ex:  In his book In Defence of History सुरक्षित कर लेना Ex:  The book is all Ernest's.
Book ki paribhasha : doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana ek prakaar ka kalaph kiya hua mahin par bahut karaar kapad jo bachchon ki topiyon men astar dene ya aangiyaa, kurati, janaani chaadaren aadi banaane ke kaam men aata hai kisi nukoli vastu se rokha ke roop men chihn karana niche oopar rakhi hui bahut si vastuon ka samooh jo kuchh oopar utha hua ho vah grnth jisamen anek vishayon ki baaten ekatr ki gai hon bhedon ke kaan ka vah chaud bhaag jahaaan ka oon kaata jaata hai saade kaagajon ka gad jo ek men sila ho aur jisapar kram se nity prati ka lekha likha jaata ho kisi snstha ke snbndh men niyamon ka sngrah do vyaktiyon ya dalon men honevaali aisi pratigya ki amuk baat hone ya na hone par ham tumako itana dhan denge, athava tumase itana dhan lenge
Usage of Book in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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