Boom meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Boom
As noun : अचानक तेज़ी Ex:  the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line
अचानक तेजी Ex:  The economy finally turned down after a long boom अप्रत्याशित लाभ Ex:  The boom of the guns could be heard from very far. अभिक्रंद Ex:  They have fixed a very light boom in the boat so it got broke. गरज पड़ना Ex:  Tax incentives to multiplexes have aided the multiplex boom in India. गरज Ex:  South Africa's economy continued to boom गरजना Ex:  Since 1990 the state has seen a boom in the number of Hispanics/Latinos. गर्जन Ex:  The economy is in a boom level and is increasing dramatically. उ:   मेघ गर्जन तुल्य गर्जना करते हुए युद्ध के लिये दैत्यराज को ललकारा। गर्जना करना Ex:  Kabul's education level is in a boom now and is getting better and better. गोली का शब्द करना Ex:  During the Florida land boom of the 1920s घमक Ex:  Especially in the boom years of the 1980s and 1990s झपट के जाना Ex:  Since the late 1990s the island has seen a construction boom डँकना Ex:  This has lead to a mining boom तन्युत Ex:  Clinton also oversaw a boom of the U.S. economy. तेज़ी से बढना Ex:  The 1920s saw a boom in Austen scholarship तेज़ी से बढ़ना Ex:  This development led to a 1990s boom in new तेलियागर्जन Ex:  Males do not start to boom until about 5 years of age. तोप का शब्द Ex:  Next came the shipbuilding boom in the early part of the 20th century दडूकना Ex:  The rapid economic boom led to a variety of supply problems, however. दडोकना Ex:  In 2005, the Miami area witnessed its largest real estate boom since the 1920s. दनदना Ex:  However, the boom sparked efforts to find lower-cost producers. दनदनाना Ex:  Industrial production in the city has experienced a rapid boom since the 1990s दनादन Ex:  Doha is currently experiencing a very large boom दाँकना Ex:  During the postwar boom धडुकना Ex:  The long postwar boom ended in the late 1960s and early 1970s धधकार Ex:  Underpinning the boom is the development of high-tech companies धमाका Ex:  The downtown and near east side is currently experiencing a building boom उ:   इसमें से एक धमाका पुलिस पोस्ट के नजदीक हुआ। धुक्करना Ex:  Topeka passed through a boom period that ended in disaster. धूम मचना या मचाना Ex:  During the oil boom of the 1970s नदथु Ex:  The boom in population is likely to have fueled the relegalization of gambling निष्टानप Ex:  The war years proved to be a boom for Midway पाल फैलाने की बल्ली या छड Ex:  The Erie Canal made boom towns of Buffalo पाल फैलाने की बल्ली या छड़ Ex:  When the uranium-led boom ended in the early 1980s पालदंड Ex:  Owing to the boom in Kolkata's and the overall state's economy प्रक्ष्वेडा Ex:  The oil boom of the 1970s greatly benefited Bahrain प्रगर्जन, प्रगर्जित Ex:  There was a boom in oil exploration in western North Dakota in the 1980s प्रणदन Ex:  During the dot-com boom of the late 1990s बूम Ex:  Recent oil price increases have triggered a second oil boom उ:   'शाका लाका बूम बूम एक भारतीय टेलीविजन श्रृंखला है। भाव का बढना Ex:  At the beginning of the dot-com boom भाव का बढ़ना Ex:  The construction boom has spawned new public buildings मूल्य वृद्धि Ex:  This is due to a construction boom after independence रोक तख्ता लम्बी बल्ली वाला वकारना वग्गना विस्फूर्ज विस्फूर्जथु व्यापार उत्कर्ष स्तनथ हाक हुंकारना हुलिहुली हूतकार तेजी से बढना
Other : गुँज Ex:  Calgary's housing boom तेजी Ex:  Males boom for an average of eight hours a night उ:   इस क्रिया अपेक्षा अधिक तेजी से होती है। तेज़ी Ex:  This boom was followed by the construction of an Olmsted-designed park system. भिनभिनाहट Ex:  Fostering talent boom
Boom ki paribhasha : dhaatukhnd aadi men se jhanajhan shabd utpann karana saphar ka mahina ya maas hava men kisi vastu ke veg se nikalane ka shabd vah lattha jo jahaajon ke paal ke niche ke bhaag men, usako phailaaye rakhane ke liye lagaaya jaata hai oopar se veg ke saath niche padne ya koodane ka shabd
Boom synonyms
explosion smash wham burst roar thunder barrage cannonade blare rumble bang slam reverberation crack blast clap drumfire development increase rush advance jump upsurge expansion improvement upturn inflation growth gain spurt boost push upswing prosperousness explode reverberate resound roll strengthen intensify swell thrive flourish expand flower appreciate succeed enhance bloom rise in value
Boom antonyms
collapse loss failure decrease diminishment stagnation lessening shrinkage decline mend praise falter fix lose compress cease weaken languish shrivel halt stop lower contract stunt
Usage of Boom in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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