Booth meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Booth
As noun : छपरी Ex:  While practicing the song outside the sound booth
झोंपडा Ex:  This morning, Saheb is on his way to the milk booth . दूकान Ex:  It also refers to a commercial exhibition, a party reserved for the display of the same product or products of the same trading house, the library's booth at the Fair of Paris उ:   शेष अंगों को एक स्थानीय पाई/कबाब की दूकान में बेच दिया गया था। पल्ली बूथ उ:   इसके संस्थापक विलियम बूथ थे। मण्डप कुटी दुकान मण्डप उ:   दक्षिण से तीसरा मण्डप है खास महल। मतदान कोष्‍ठ मेले की दुकान
Booth ki paribhasha : topa, bnduk ya tamnche ki naal ka ghera ya chakkar jngalon ya dehaat men rahane ke liye ghaas phoos se banaaya hua chhota ghar baaans ya lakadi ki phattiyon aur phoos aadi ki bani hui chhaajan jo makaan ke oopar chhaayi jaati hai
Booth synonyms
box counter pew hut stall corner cubicle berth coop repository shed nook pen hutch stand cubbyhole compartment dispensary cote carrel
Usage of Booth in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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