Bootleg meaning in hindi
As verb : अवैध तरीके से शराब बनाना और बेचना Ex: Government has put the ban on smuggling bootleg liquor.
As adjective :
नाजायज़ बूटपाद मद्यतस्करी शराब की तस्करी शराब की नाजायज़ बिक्री करना शराब की नाजायज़ बिक्री सामान अवैध तरीके से बेचना
Other : अवैधानिक Ex: The name la Bleue was originally a term used for bootleg Swiss absinthe उ: वह अवैधानिक कार्य करने से भी नहीं हिचकता था।
ExamplesBootleg synonyms
contraband illicit unauthorized unlawful unofficial pirated smuggled bootlegged black-market under-the-counter unsanctioned Bootleg antonyms
legal permitted Usage of Bootleg in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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