Bored meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bored
As verb : ऊबा हुआ Ex:  The children acted up when they were not bored
As adjective :
उबा हुआ Ex:  He gets very bored with his friends company. जी उबनेवाला Ex:  Diverting This concern, fatigue, bored fun, recreating
Other : छिदरा Ex:  The platitudes of our political leader really bored us. छिद्रित Ex:  The lecture bored everyone to death . छेद Ex:  The lecture ran on and bored everyone to tears . उ:   यहां एक शिवलिंग है जिसपर दस छेद हैं जहां से पानी निकलता है।
Bored synonyms
disinterested fatigued tired dull blasã© inattentive spiritless sick and tired turned off
Bored antonyms
enthusiastic excited exhilarated interested energized refreshed
Usage of Bored in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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