Boulder meaning in hindi
As noun : गोंला पत्थर Ex: The boulder fell with a thud.
गोल पत्थर Ex: The bullet glanced off the huge boulder . गोल शिलाखंड Ex: The workers heaved up the huge boulder . गोला पत्थर Ex: We all pitched rocks at the big boulder . गोलाश्म गौट डिसकाउंट ढो़का तांबूलकरंक बट्टा बड़ा पत्थर बोल्डर वट्ट शिलाखण्ड उ: संगम स्थल पर एक विशाल शिलाखण्ड में एक पद चिह्न माना जाता है। सिलामा
Boulder ki paribhasha : patthar ka gol tukad jo kisi vastu ko kootane ya pisane ke kaam men aave
ExamplesBoulder synonyms
metal rubble lava earth gravel quarry shelf crust promontory mass bedrock reef lodge slag ore mineral cobblestone crag pebble plate slice ingot wedge rod lump hunk strip piece cut bar billet stave muck portion cutting stick bit chip board crystal grain gem jewel masonry stonework monolith cromlech standing stone Boulder antonyms
whole Usage of Boulder in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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