Bouncing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bouncing
As noun : जोशीला Ex:  I'm bouncing for pizza .
पुरजोश Ex:  a bouncing ball
Bouncing ki paribhasha : ding maaranevaala vyakti
Bouncing synonyms
bump ricochet jump leap hop carom buck jounce thump boomerang hurdle vault recoil bob backlash kick back resile saltate fly back glance off jerk up and down snap back spring back heave throw oust eject fire dismiss terminate sack can ax discharge eighty-six kick out boot out give one notice give the heave ho
Bouncing antonyms
permit allow let in hire hold keep employ engage
Usage of Bouncing in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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