Boutique meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Boutique
As noun : पारी Ex:  She has a boutique on the main street. उ:   दूसरी पारी में भारत की टीम बल्लेबाजी करने आती है।
बुटीक Ex:  Sheraton, and many boutique hotels such as The Davis, Unico Grande Sukhumvit. वस्त्रालय Ex:  Yes, and I could maybe have the boutique on the side .
Boutique ki paribhasha : thode vayas ki stri jahaaj ke mastool ke niche ka bhaag lash
Boutique synonyms
booth store franchise concession exclusive shop gift store specialty shop
Usage of Boutique in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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