Boy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Boy
As noun : अंगभुत Ex:  Our paper boy delivers our newspaper at 7
00 A.M.
अनुकर्मी Ex:  the boy was punished for the transgressions of his father आनुयात्रिक Ex:  The boy comes to the college irregularly. इषू Ex:  The boy saw the train coming. उत्पादशय Ex:  He spoke kindly to the boy कतुंवरेटा Ex:  The boy is using a notepad for writing. कुँअरेटा ‡ Ex:  That boy is her renter. कुलधर Ex:  Shaw helped the boy instantaneously from drowning. कुलधारक Ex:  Shagged boy fell asleep with out removing his shoes. क्षीरप Ex:  That boy joined the navy. गोप्यक Ex:  The boy lives nearby. चरणसेवक Ex:  People tried to resuscitate a boy pulled from the lake. चरणसेवी Ex:  he is a boy . चिँगुला Ex:  I stopped a boy while he was panhandling in the street. चिजा Ex:  Cross-eyed boy is born in their family. चेँगड़ा Ex:  The boy tooted the horn. छोकडा Ex:  The boy is playing with a top. छोरा Ex:  The boy is reading. उ:   जिला मथुरा में -""बु छोरा मेरे घर् तैं चल्यौ गयौ। छोहरापु Ex:  Sharon helped the boy down from the horse . छौँडा Ex:  The little boy wandered away from his mother . तनूजानि Ex:  As a boy apprentice in Derbyshire तनूरुह Ex:  The novel follows a boy named Jonas through the twelfth year of his life. तनोजा Ex:  As a 12-year-old ball boy दंडमानव Ex:  Keaton is mother of two children: a girl named Dexter and a boy named Duke . दीकरा Ex:  A young Chinese boy takes Rand to his grandfather's small shop दूधमुँहा Ex:  He related that the true inspiration of the old man and the boy did exist देहज Ex:  The boy brings him newspapers and coffee. दोसत Ex:  Nathaniel Hawthorne and his son Julian, who was a boy at the time. दोस्त Ex:  He gave the boy his Asrārnāma उ:   सिरियस जेम्स पॉटर का दोस्त हुआ करता था। दोस्थ Ex:  Big Bird and Snuffy help a cursed boy pharaoh. नंदिवर्धन Ex:  A boy is a male human child. नंदिवर्धन Ex:  A boy is a male human child. नेत्रबाला Ex:  Recognizing the potential of the young boy नौकर Ex:  As the boy reached the age of 16 उ:   उन्होंने नौकर से उनके इस तरह जाने का कारण पूछा तो नौकर हिचकिचाया। परप्रेष्य Ex:  During this time he worked briefly for Time, as a copy boy for $51 a week. परिप्रेष्य Ex:  Link is described as a young Hylian boy from the fictional land of Hyrule. पारिकुट Ex:  Link is a young Hylian boy पिस्त्र Ex:  Link is a young boy living with his grandfather, the Master Smith of Hyrule. पुं Ex:  Evangelia was convinced that her third child would be a boy पुंगला Ex:  Gurnemanz motions to the boy to participate पृथुक Ex:  Slowly the Hall empties leaving only the boy and Gurnemanz पेशदामन Ex:  The book begins with the introduction of the young boy Kolya Krasotkin. पोँगरा Ex:  A number were injured, and a drummer boy was allegedly killed. पोष्यपुत्र Ex:  As a boy he attended Latin school and was enrolled at the University of Leiden बधी Ex:  As a boy growing up in the American Old West during the Indian Wars बांधव Ex:  So the Swedish name of the boy was Carl Linnaeus. बाडीर Ex:  The oldest was named Jesse and another boy died unnamed after six months. बालक Ex:  Manu, a young boy searching for his soldier father उ:   बालक राज्य का होता, माता पिता का नहीं। बेटवा ‡ Ex:  They had their first child Léopold in 1823 but the boy died in infancy. बेटा Ex:  "No boy ever loved his father more," he said. उ:   उनकी पाँच बेटियाँ व एक बेटा है। बेटौना ‡ Ex:  I asked a boy walking his dog where Copper Beeches was . बॉय Ex:  A boy who apprenticed उ:   एक कूरियर बॉय की तरह संघर्ष करता है और असफलातायें ही प्राप्त करता है। भूमिशय Ex:  A good boy baking भृतकबल Ex:  A little boy महारम Ex:  A little man said of a Little boy मित्रयु Ex:  A small kitchen boy मुलाजिम Ex:  A strong boy मुशफिक Ex:  An old boy, an old maid, a girl A boy who spent youth and is still single मुष्टिंधय Ex:  Apartment boy मुहिव्व Ex:  boy cleaning मृडंकण Ex:  CHILD female is sometimes used to refer to when precisely it is a girl and not a boy मोड़ा Ex:  It also meant that once a surgeon boy remained until some time in the same लड‌़का Ex:  It also says any colloquially a small boy who gave a cause for dissatisfaction लाड़िक Ex:  It is a big, stocky boy लौंडा (लौंडे Ex:  It is a little strong, but, moreover, good boy लड़का (लड़के Ex:  It's a cheeky boy लड़का Ex:  life is said even to Bury boy वफीक Ex:  Messy and little boy lying around in the streets विधिकर Ex:  The cash boy went to receive the amount of several tickets, several checks सचि Ex:  The theater boy forgot to bring accessories सजु Ex:  This bad boy was severely scolded by his teachers सफो Ex:  This is a good boy who loves to laugh साहबजा्दा Ex:  This is a talented boy सुहृत् Ex:  This is a very silly boy स्नेहन् Ex:  This little boy is voluntary स्वपक्ष Ex:  This woman is delivered of a fine boy हमदम Ex:  This young boy is arrested in his Growth हमसाज Ex:  Treat someone little boy Treat it as if it was higher than हृदयज Ex:  We need this boy - there is well stopped for not having understood a simple thing
Other : अर्भक Ex:  That boy is very talkative and he disturbs the class. कुँवर Ex:  he is a bestial boy उ:   अन्य चार परिवार थापा, बस्नेत, कुँवर और पाण्डे है। खोखा Ex:  The boy is a moonblind. छैया Ex:  Shyness inhibited the boy from speaking. छोकरा Ex:  ramesh is a good boy forsooth. छौना Ex:  Does this boy learns music nowadays? बाल Ex:  Napoleon's body was already heavily contaminated with arsenic as a boy उ:   १९८२ में प्रमुख बाल पत्रिका पराग के सम्पादक बने। लड़का Ex:  It also said a young boy उ:   उनके घर कोई लड़का नहीं हुआ था। लौंडा Ex:  It is already big boy
Boy ki paribhasha : chhota bachchaa, visheshata: aath varsh tak ki avastha ka bachcha seva karane ke liye vetan aadi par niyukt manushy vah jisase anuchit snbndh ho
Boy synonyms
lad fellow youth youngster child guy buck puppy stripling runt punk dude cadet chap master sprout squirt junior sonny half-pint gamin whippersnapper tadpole shaver schoolboy little guy little shaver small fry
Boy antonyms
Usage of Boy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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