Bozo meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bozo
As noun : बेवकूफ़
युवक उ:   तब युवक ने राजा को भंवरे वाली सारी घटना बता दी।
Other : बेवकूफ उ:   बेवकूफ के रूप में लिवली की तुलना पेरिस हिल्टन से की जाती है।
Bozo ki paribhasha : solah varsh se lekar pachis ya tis ya paintis varsh tak ki avasthaavaala manushy jise kisi prakaar ka bakooph ya shaoor na ho vah jo apadh aur jaahil ho
Bozo synonyms
clown fool harlequin jester joker wag zany antic comedian comic droll merry-andrew thug hooligan lummox jerk dope ninny moron nincompoop sap hood strong-arm bruiser gorilla tough guy kook goof bonehead fanatic eccentric nut crackpot character blockhead dingbat dumbbell saphead lunkhead numbskull
Bozo antonyms
Usage of Bozo in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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