Braid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Braid
As noun : कमुंजा Ex:  I want to learn how to braid hair .
कमुंजा Ex:  I want to learn how to braid hair . कमुजा Ex:  A straw braid embroidered with कमुजा Ex:  A straw braid embroidered with कुकुदमत Ex:  braid a coat केशगर्म Ex:  braid a coat केशवेश Ex:  braid Border गुथे हुये बाल Ex:  Braid braid which is used for the decoration of military uniforms and women's clothes चुन्नट Ex:  Garnish with braid चूड़, चूड़क Ex:  Grosse braid Marine in three, four and even five strands, which used primarily to fill the places we want to preserve friction or moisture चोटी करना Ex:  It also says a braid Kind used to decorate dresses चोटी बँधना Ex:  It is, by extension, Two pieces assembled braid angle as the soldiers have the right to wear on the left sleeve of their habit, after a time of चोटी Ex:  jacket, hat edged with braid उ:   और महाराष्ट्र की सबसे उच्ची चोटी कलसुबाई शिखर है। चौँरी Ex:  Make a braid नगमूर्धा Ex:  Omer border braid or प्रासादश्रृंग Ex:  silver braid फीता लगाना Ex:  The braid corporal फीता Ex:  The one, the one that braid बटना या गूंथना मौलि वेणी उ:   उसके लम्बे केश होते है, वेणी होती है और कानों में छेद होते हैं। शिखापाश शोर्ष स्तुक स्नु
Other : गोटा लगाना Ex:  braid jacket चुटिया Ex:  braid or ribbon whose borders a garment
Braid ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ki motaayi ka phailaav jo kisi doosari vastu ke oopar ho rassi, taage, kapade aadi ki sahaayata se kisi padaarth ko bndhan men karana saraso, chiraunji aadi ka ka lep jo sharir ki mail chhudane ke liye mala jaata hai nevaar ki patali dhajji, soota, aadi jo kisi vastu ko lapetane ya baaandhane ke kaam men aata hai striyon ke baalon ki gooanthi hui choti sir ke madhy men ke thode se aur kuchh bade baal jo praayaः hindou nahin mudane ya kaatate
Braid synonyms
queue plait pigtail ponytail twine intertwine lace cue mesh twist interlace entwine ravel complect interknit
Braid antonyms
straighten untwist unbraid
Usage of Braid in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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