Brainsick meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brainsick
Brainsick ki paribhasha : yog men chitt ki vrattiyon ya avasthaaon men se ek jisamen chitt praayaः asthir rahata hai, par bich bich men kuchh sthir bhi ho jaata hai
Brainsick synonyms
batty bonkers cracked crackers crazed crazy daft demented disordered distraught dotty lunatic mad maniac maniacal mentally ill moonstruck nuts nutty psychotic touched unbalanced unhinged unsound mad as a hatter not all there sick in the head stark raving mad off one's rocker out of one's mind
Usage of Brainsick in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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