Brazen meaning in hindi
As verb : खुल्लमखुल्ला Ex: After the 1972 earthquake and Somoza's brazen corruption
पीतल के समान Ex: , In terms of scripture, A brazen sky, A dry and arid, while which it falls neither dew nor rain
As adjective : निर्लज या बेशर्म Ex: In terms of Mythology, The brazen century, the Bronze Age, the time supposed to have existed between century silver and iron age निर्लज Ex: The brazen पीतल का Ex: This man has a brazen forehead
Other : चरबाँक Ex: The brazen arms were working more quickly. बेशर्म Ex: , in terms of scripture, A heaven of heavens brazen
ExamplesBrazen synonyms
impudent bold audacious blatant unabashed shameless forward flip barefaced brassy cheeky cocky defiant flashy gritty gutsy immodest impertinent indecent insolent loud meretricious nervy saucy spunky tawdry contumelious smart-alecky unblushing hotshot overbold smart-ass Brazen antonyms
retiring meek timid shamed shamefaced humble modest shy quiet Usage of Brazen in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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