Break out meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Break out
As noun : भाग निकलना Ex:  It is time to break out the orange of the greenhouse
As verb :
अचानक छिढ़्ना Ex:  The convicts plotted to break out of prison . मचना Ex:  The break out of this metal offers bright spots
Break out ki paribhasha : kisi aise kaary ka aarnbh ya prachalit hona jisamen kuchh shoragul ho
Break out synonyms
begin appear commence explode start erupt arise occur set in burst forth spring up leave depart flee abscond bolt break loose burst out bust out get free
Break out antonyms
complete conclude end finish die stop wait come continue stay
Usage of Break out in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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