Breakaway meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Breakaway
As noun : पृथकतावादी Ex:  breakaway view constricted view that was suddenly between hills, woods, houses
संबंध विच्छेद
Other : अलग हो जाना Ex:  there was a breakaway by the discontented members चला जाना Ex:  Devadatta started a breakaway order, criticising the Buddha's laxity. निकल जाना Ex:  DFLP and other parties formed a breakaway organization, the Rejectionist Front. निपाती Ex:  The loss of recruits and industrial capacity in breakaway republics भाग जाना Ex:  Sect, breakaway faction
Breakaway synonyms
breakup separation division defection rift disunion schism dissension split rupture parting splinter group disaffiliation exiting
Breakaway antonyms
juncture closing agreement closure peace
Usage of Breakaway in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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