Breeches meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Breeches
As noun :
घुड़सवारी की पोशाक Ex:  Tom Fashion was instead played as a breeches role by Mary Kent
Breeches synonyms
jeans drawers dungarees panties blue jeans boxer shorts underpants slacks knickers corduroys bermudas chinos jodhpurs briefs bloomers chaps britches denims pantaloons cords overalls clam diggers rompers leggings capri pants capris calf-length slacks cropped pants pegged pants tube sock tights tubing hosiery backside posterior tail can fundament fanny breech derriã¨re butt buttocks derriere bum drape dress up swaddle swathe fit cloak disguise attire equip do up gown vest habit accouter garb mantle costume spruce rig array endue deck enwrap robe tog caparison raiment outfit invest jacket primp coat apparel endow dud turn out bundle up dizen habilitate dandify bedizen bedrape fit out livery suit up duff beam keister moon tail end prat sacrum croup hindquarters haunches butt end hind end stern back side
Breeches antonyms
front outside top exteriority uncover disrobe reveal open unclothe take off annex offshoot
Usage of Breeches in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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