Breviary meaning in hindi
As noun : प्रार्थना पुस्तिका Ex:  Bookmark breviary
स्त्रो Ex:  canonical hours, Parts of the breviary as the Church recited at various times of the day
ExamplesBreviary synonyms
contraction compendium compression essence abstract reduction brief consolidation summary curtailment conspectus epitome concentration digest prã©cis boildown recap rundown run-through sketch outline capsule review rã©sumã© aperã§u decrease diminution lessening canon book of common prayer mass book lectionary missal book prayers psalmbook psalter scripture Breviary antonyms
enlargement increase dispersal separation dryness unabridgement unabridgment expansion addition development growth Usage of Breviary in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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