Briefly meaning in hindi
As adverb : कुछ समय Ex:  she visited him briefly
संक्षेप में Ex:  Umkehrwalze C was used briefly in 1940 संक्षेपतह Ex:  Keith moved briefly to Polydor Records and released his next two albums संक्षेप में Ex:  He briefly revisited Ireland in 1886. On February 20 1895
ExamplesBriefly synonyms
shortly in brief summarily in a nutshell in short succinctly to sum things up momentarily temporarily quickly hastily fleetingly for a little while in passing transiently Briefly antonyms
permanently at length long-windedly verbosely Usage of Briefly in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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