Briefs meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Briefs
As noun : पैन्टी Ex:  May it please, Formula which is used in some written or briefs that present magistrates
As verb :
जांघिया Ex:  Bryant briefs Deckard on the replicants: Roy Batty
Briefs synonyms
pithy concise terse abrupt succinct blunt limited little crisp bluff small sharp brusque compendious curt hasty laconic short and sweet skimpy snippy surly boiled down breviloquent compendiary to the point prepare explain apprise update instruct advise prime edify abridge recapitulate initiate epitomize summarize orient enlighten fill in give rundown give the lowdown let in on show the lay of the land show the ropes tip off
Briefs antonyms
long-winded wordy indefinite enormous huge immense large benevolent kind enduring lasting long-lived expansive lengthy big important hide neglect secret
Usage of Briefs in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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