Brilliant meaning in hindi
As noun : बहुत बढिया Ex: A brilliant style
As adjective :
आरुल Ex: He is brilliant boy आरोचक Ex: the goalie made a brilliant save उच्छिख Ex: A brilliant fielder was moved to the outfield. उत्कृष्ट Ex: A brilliant idea occured to Newton while watching the apple fall. उ: वे गद्य लेखक के रूप में भी उत्कृष्ट लेख रहे थे। उदभासी Ex: He was a brilliant writer, of course. उदभासुर Ex: Early scholars include the brilliant linguist and Boasian उदारधी Ex: Case is a "console cowboy," a brilliant hacker उन्मयूख Ex: Anderssen was hailed as the leading chess master and his brilliant उस्त्र Ex: Under the brilliant commander ओजस्वान् Ex: Kolya is a brilliant boy who proclaims his atheism गुणयुक्त Ex: In his most brilliant speech घृणि Ex: For the brilliant successes at Königsberg and in Eastern Prussia चमकीला Ex: A brilliant career जगमग Ex: A brilliant defense जर्कबर्क Ex: A brilliant escort झकाझक्क Ex: A brilliant escort तिग्मतेज Ex: A brilliant location, advantageous तेजस्वी Ex: A brilliant orator उ: नचिकेता, वैदिक युग के एक तेजस्वी ऋषिबालक थे। तेजोमय Ex: a brilliant procession उ: उपेशित जाट किसान का तेजोमय समर्पित व्यक्तित्व अपने तेज से दमक उठा। प्रकाशात्मक Ex: A brilliant result, large प्रगुण्य Ex: A brilliant show प्रतिभाशाली Ex: A brilliant start उ: वह प्रतिभाशाली लेखक भी था। भास्वत् Ex: brilliant Qualities मेधावी Ex: From brilliant hopes उ: वह बचपन से ही मेधावी थे। यौवनस्थ Ex: He still says brilliant success obtained in literature, in the arts and, in general, any signal advantage obtained on someone रत्न Ex: His successes were brilliant as fast as उ: वे झंझारपुर अनुमंडल के नवानी ग्राम के रत्न थे। लसुप Ex: Improvise a brilliant development on a particular topic वस्य Ex: In terms of music, Air bravery, Air a brilliant performance which can show the talent of the running वाजयु Ex: is to be called figuratively one who is in a brilliant position, which attracts attention विदीप्त Ex: It also says Fine passages of a speech, what he is most salient, more brilliant in Speech विरोचिष्णु Ex: It is said, in the same sense, Remove votes, Exciter enthusiasm, get a brilliant success विस्फुलिंङ्गक Ex: It is, by extension, Style, brilliant expressions when there were widespread with excess वैभवशाली Ex: It means figuratively Jeter brilliant traits उ: भारत पहुँचने पर इब्न बत्तूता बड़ा वैभवशाली एवं संपन्न हो गया था। शुक्रवर्ण Ex: It That means also has the character of a triumph, a brilliant success शुर्चिष्मान् Ex: Juggling with ideas, with abstractions, present ideas, abstractions with brilliant ease शुष्मी Ex: Make, his brilliant return a संभ्रात Ex: Poetically, Days spun gold and silk, The course of a happy and brilliant life संविदात Ex: S ' illustrated by great deeds by brilliant actions सत्कला Ex: Success of esteem, Success lackluster, obtains an estimable work, but without brilliant qualities सुदिव् Ex: The general was surrounded a brilliant staff सुदीति Ex: The one, the one that smoothes the surface of a paper or fabric to make brilliant सुवर्चा, सुवर्च्चा Ex: The oriental pearls have some brilliant that is not in the other सुवर्णपुष्पित Ex: The performance of the winner of last year was much less brilliant in the Tour de France this year सूतारं Ex: There are in this comedy brilliant features but often moved हीरा Ex: These two kinds of said minerals Various brilliant blades and reflecting light उ: जैकब हीरा निजाम के गहनों मैं से एक है।
Other : उजागर Ex: the anticlimax of a brilliant career उ: इसने उनकी यौन प्रतीक स्थिति की कमी को भी उजागर किया। उज्ज्वल Ex: a brilliant but narrow-minded judge कुंदन Ex: He was renowned for his brilliant intensity चटक Ex: A beautiful, brilliant chambered चटकदार Ex: A brilliant चटकीला Ex: A brilliant चमकदार Ex: A brilliant ball उ: किंगफिशर के अंडे सदैव सफेद और चमकदार होते हैं। झलझल Ex: A brilliant fortune झलमल Ex: A brilliant health, Beautiful Health बुद्धिमान Ex: A brilliant victory उ: कोई भी व्यक्ति न तो एकाएक बुद्धिमान होता है और न परोपकारी बनता है। भडकीला Ex: A man of unusual abilities, brilliant भासित Ex: Antique He says that by talking about some of the old fort estimated vases, whose material was brilliant and had varied reflections भासुर Ex: brilliant cadenza भास्वर Ex: Chemistry brilliant white metal, slightly yellowish, which combined with oxygen, Lime is
Brilliant ki paribhasha : ek ratn ya bahumooly patthar jo apani chamak aur kadai ke liye prasiddh hai vaibhavayukt vah jisake paas bahut adhik dhan snpatti ho kuchh vishisht chhote, chamakile, bahumooly padaartha, visheshataः khanij padaarth ya patthara, jinaka vyavahaar aabhooshanon aadi men jadne ke liye hota hai jisaka svaad phika na ho jisamen bahut aabhaa, kaanti ya jyoti ho
ExamplesBrilliant synonyms
vivid radiant dazzling sparkling bright flashy scintillating luminous intense ablaze clinquant effulgent glittering glossy incandescent lambent lustrous refulgent resplendent showy gleaming lucent coruscating splendid exceptional magnificent superb excellent distinguished glorious celebrated eminent illustrious prominent ingenious inventive talented gifted accomplished astute sharp smart acute brainy clever discerning expert genius intellectual knowing knowledgeable masterly penetrating profound quick quick-witted whip whiz kid einstein eggheaded Brilliant antonyms
cloudy typical stupid unaware unintelligent dull dark dim obscure gloomy dulled normal insignificant usual poor ordinary regular common inferior unnoteworthy bad second-rate ignorant inept slow unstylish Usage of Brilliant in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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