Bring meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bring
As noun : इश्तियाल Ex:  Teacher asked the students to bring corporeal needs to the picnic.
ईंचना Ex:  the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees उतपानना Ex:  Mrs. Gansetta drove Mr. Warat crazy as he did not bring her the ermine robes he had promised her. उदगारना Ex:  Can I bring my cousing to the dinner?
Bring charges
उपजाप Ex:  Smita will bring the prospectus of man schools today. उपनामा Ex:  Please remember to bring me back a pizza . उपानना Ex:  He tried to bring on one of the guests . उरेहनापु Ex:  Please bring along your camera to the show . खंचना Ex:  Please bring me up-to-date . खींचना Ex:  Please bring the snacks around to us . ताणना Ex:  In addition to the water in each of these they also bring additional sweeteners पैदा करना Ex:  Bakshi stated "The goal was to bring as much quality as possible to the work. प्रविकर्षण Ex:  Kasparov won games 47 and 48 to bring the scores to 5-3 in Karpov's favour. बिड़वना Ex:  Summers can bring thunderstorms भड़काना Ex:  Spring supercell thunderstorms sometimes bring tornadoes to the area. भीँचना Ex:  Silent films continued the struggle to bring the story alive. समुत्पादन Ex:  Did you bring your papers? Inventory papers
As verb : आफर Ex:  Take this book and bring another one. उतपानना Ex:  Mrs. Gansetta drove Mr. Warat crazy as he did not bring her the ermine robes he had promised her. उत्तेजित करना Ex:  Pay them ransom and bring the child back. उत्पन्न करना Ex:  She brought a sandbox here, it is not allowed to bring it in the hospital . उदगारना Ex:  Can I bring my cousing to the dinner?
Bring charges
उपानना Ex:  He tried to bring on one of the guests . उरेहनापु Ex:  Please bring along your camera to the show . गुजरानना Ex:  Please bring the good old days back . गुलचानापु Ex:  You bring the best out in me . घेवरनापु Ex:  See if you can get him to bring the penny up . झुझकाना, झुझकावना Ex:  As of 2004, no products appear to be successful enough yet to bring to market. निपाना Ex:  Roger Ebert wrote that " bring so much experience निबोध Ex:  Can I bring him back again? परोटी Ex:  Therefore, Tango goes out to bring Saburo to Hidetora. पेश करना Ex:  Success in the proofs will often bring immunity or good fortune. प्रमोघना Ex:  Males bring more food than females. प्रवृत्त करना Ex:  In late summer and early autumn, typhoons often bring heavy rain. प्रसंजन Ex:  Knives were used at the table but most people were expected to bring their own प्रस्तुत करना Ex:  The two combined bring 55,000 students to the city every year बझावना Ex:  Parcells would bring the Patriots to two playoff appearances में बेचा जाना Ex:  Sorkin entertained offers to bring the show to another network. लगाना Ex:  There are occasional typhoons that bring high winds and floods. उ:   यह बल मुख्यतः शुष्क घर्षण को जीतने के लिए लगाना पड़ता है। ला देना Ex:  Coubertin also sought a way to bring nations closer together लाना Ex:  The new rings bring the total number of Uranian rings to 13. In April 2006 उ:   प्रबंधक को संगठन मे परिवर्तन लाने के लिए नवाचार लाना होता है। लाना[ले जाना Ex:  George Read, could not bring himself to vote for a Declaration of Independence. ले आना Ex:  The band failed to bring the audiences that it had attracted in Orange County ले जाना Ex:  Deploying to the west would bring his fleet closer to Scheer ल्यावना Ex:  Warm fronts can bring springlike temperatures in the 60s and 70s in winter संघुक्षण Ex:  Crono jumps on to help her but cannot bring them down to earth. संचोदन Ex:  Action Arts to bring संपादना Ex:  Action to bring संवाह Ex:  By extension, it is said of all the provisions they bring at birth सन्निवेश Ex:  Chemistry It is said of a metal oxide that we can bring to the metal state समझाना Ex:  Collapse of Medicine, bring to the state of death समुझाना Ex:  DESIRES also said that children Trademark sometimes bring at birth, and assumed to be a result of impressions received by their mothers while they were large समुत्पादन Ex:  Did you bring your papers? Inventory papers पहुँचाना
Other : सामने लाना Ex:  figuratively, it means Action to bring his desires to a higher purpose
Bring ki paribhasha : koi chij uthaakar ya apane saath lekar aana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana kisi vastu ya vyakti ko ek sthaan se le jaakar doosare sthaan par praapt ya prastut karana koi baat achchhi tarah kisi ke man men baithaana
Bring synonyms
lead transfer deliver bear take carry import chaperon back usher convey tote escort conduct attend lug companion shoulder buck consort ride gather gun fetch truck guide heel pack pick up schlepp piggyback take along begin force make move produce prompt create convert engender dispose compel wreak induce effect persuade inflict occasion convince sway prevail on contribute to prevail upon result in bring in draw return gross earn afford yield net sell for serve sue institute summon prefer cite indict arraign appeal declare initiate legal action take to court
Bring antonyms
refuse avoid dodge disperse shun back out desist hold back lose keep fail disenchant repulse maintain abandon leave neglect free distribute drop quit give up pass up destroy ruin dissuade prevent hinder discourage halt stop stay take reject let go exonerate deny disclaim retract
Usage of Bring in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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