Brink meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brink
As noun : आँबठ Ex:  He was at the brink of loosing the match.
उपकूल Ex:  The disasters of Oudenarde and Lille led France to the brink of ruin. उपकूल Ex:  The disasters of Oudenarde and Lille led France to the brink of ruin. कगार Ex:  The brief time with his wife drove him to the brink of emotional ruin. उ:   कहीं ये टूट गई हैं, कहीं टूटने की कगार पर हैं। कानौ Ex:  Once hunted to the brink of extinction किनारा Ex:  be on the brink उ:   ऑरंज काऊंटि इस शहर दक्षिन पुर्व से किनारा लगता है। किराड Ex:  It is on the brink of ruin किराड Ex:  It is on the brink of ruin कूलक Ex:  , be on the brink of ruin, of its loss, in being very close खोइचा Ex:  , To be on the brink of ruin, be about to be ruined, be destroyed छोरी टोँका ढिग तट उ:   घाटों के तट पर भी अनेक मंदिर बने हुए हैं। तरौँस तोयवेला त्रिपुट त्रिपुट पटलप्रांत माँडनी वारूढ़ वारूढ़ वेल्हा शंबल सौकती होँठी
Brink ki paribhasha : aaanch par itana tala ya senka hua ki todne se kur kur shabd kare kisi adhik lnbaayi aur kam chaudaivaali vastu ke ve donon bhaag ya praant jahaaan se chaudai samaapt hoti ho
Brink synonyms
threshold fringe periphery verge perimeter frontier border point skirt limit brim lip boundary margin
Brink antonyms
middle inside interior center
Usage of Brink in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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