Broached meaning in hindi
As noun : उदभिन्न Ex:  The potential ethical ideas being broached
उरहाना Ex:  Having wine broached खुला Ex:  Put a cask of wine broached उ: यह पूरे दिन एवं रात खुला रहने वाला एक बार हैं। व्यादीर्ण Ex:  The wine room is broached
ExamplesBroached synonyms
moot advance ventilate offer suggest move interpose introduce mention interject submit propose approach touch on hint at open up raise subject speak of talk of begin tap decant start puncture crack uncork draw off Broached antonyms
take back deny refuse dissuade stop withdraw close not mention close up complete conclude end finish die Usage of Broached in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi
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