Broadcast meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Broadcast
As noun : अचित Ex:  The match is going to be broadcast live.
अपकिरण Ex:  The radio oversights the frequencies for broadcast आकाश भाषण Ex:  The broadcast news
The broadcast sowing of wheat
आस्तार Ex:  Following the broadcast इधर उधर फेंकना Ex:  SpongeBob is now broadcast across the world. इधर उधर बिखराया हुआ Ex:  Some time later Quatermass holds a television broadcast उतेरा Ex:  The same paper did also state that on the night of episode six's broadcast उपकिरण Ex:  It has one television broadcast station and one cable television provider. कार्यक्रम Ex:  Originally a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978 उ:   कार्यक्रम का संचालन कामरेड के के खैशगी ने किया। खेलना Ex:  Metropolitan Perth has six broadcast television stations उ:   रिवर्स स्वीप या पुल तथा हाथ बदल कर खेलना भी काफी खतरनाक होता है। गाना Ex:  This film was broadcast by BBC Four on October 14 उ:   इसके बाद उसे एक गाना सुनाई देता है। गावण Ex:  Many local programs are broadcast by networks in other countries गुजरानना Ex:  2003. It is the first radio station in Liberia to broadcast 24hrs a day चतराना Ex:  Two AM channels are broadcast चारों ओर या फेंक कर Ex:  AIR's FM channel is called FM Rainbow and is broadcast at 105.4 MHz. चियारना Ex:  2007 broadcast of Live with Regis and Kelly चौडा़ना Ex:  The event was broadcast in 205 countries. छिटका बोआई करना Ex:  Since October 2004, the AFN has broadcast its European programs from Mannheim. छिटका बोआई Ex:  NBC, Hallmark Channel and Cartoon Network via separate broadcast rights deals. छिटका Ex:  About stations broadcast in Virginia. छितनार Ex:  In the radio broadcast in which he announced his resignation छितरना Ex:  Star Vijay, Jaya TV, Makkal TV and Kalaignar TV broadcast out of Chennai. छितराना Ex:  The Simpsons has been broadcast in Arabic but due to Islamic customs छितराया हुआ Ex:  The already completed "Tennis the Menace" was broadcast as made. छितिराना Ex:  The Territory has three radio broadcast stations छिदरा Ex:  The resultant program was broadcast on 29 May 1996 as Don Bradman - 87 Not Out. छिहरना Ex:  Cobain announced that they were going to play a new song during the broadcast छीँटना Ex:  At the time, the broadcast was the most watched TV program ever. छीटना Ex:  NASA scheduled a television broadcast for 31 hours after launch. छुरण Ex:  The Apollo 8 crew used a 2 kg camera that broadcast in black-and-white only जृंभित Ex:  During this first broadcast तिड़ीबिड़ी Ex:  A second series of five episodes was broadcast one per night धुजाना Ex:  It was first broadcast on BBC 2 on 4 August 2001, presented by Kirsty Wark. नगमासंजी Ex:  The Tertiary Phase was broadcast on BBC Radio 21 September to 26 October 2004 परिसारण Ex:  Scooby-Doo was originally broadcast on CBS from 1969 to 1976 परिसारित करना Ex:  Details from the report were broadcast on June 15 परिस्तीर्ण Ex:  Public debates are broadcast on the radio पसारण Ex:  Radio stations mainly broadcast in Thai पिस्तरना Ex:  Other local station broadcast from the city पेश करना Ex:  Its widely watched series finale was broadcast on May 20 प्रचार करना Ex:  1938 was presented as a live news broadcast प्रचारान Ex:  The city's first television was broadcast by the St. प्रसारण करना Ex:  The broadcast by CBS in 1967 won him an Emmy Award. प्रसारण Ex:  The BBC One broadcast of "Rose" उ:   वॉयस ऑफ़ अमेरिका ४६ भाषाओं में प्रसारण करता है। प्रसारित Ex:  A number of community radio stations broadcast in Canberra उ:   आजकल रेडियो नाटक भी प्रसारित हो रहे हैं। प्रसार्रित करना Ex:  A television may be built to receive different broadcast or video formats फरालन ‡ Ex:  Some drug companies have even created "news" items for broadcast फेंक कर Ex:  Then from 1973 until 1984 ABC broadcast the "Super Friends" series फैलाकार Ex:  It was entitled Kuifje - De Zonnetempel and was broadcast on Canal Plus फैलाना Ex:  Although NBC continued to broadcast the orchestra on radio until April 1954 फैलाया हुआ Ex:  The show was broadcast at 9 p. बागना ‡ Ex:  Give It a Go broadcast on the commercial radio station बिखरकर बोना Ex:  Although these altercations were deleted from the broadcast edit of the special बिटालना Ex:  In a broadcast system बिस्तरना Ex:  The broadcast media industry is at a critical turning point in its development बेतार के तार द्वारा फैलाना Ex:  The initial broadcast devoted to space exploration was Man in Space बौलना Ex:  AFN Iraq broadcast news and entertainment within Baghdad विकीरन Ex:  1952. The news was immediately broadcast throughout the country विकृषृ Ex:  A radio broadcast interrupted the broadcasting schedule विजृंभित Ex:  Radio stations in the United States often broadcast popular music. विनिकीर्ण Ex:  Live music can also be broadcast over the radio, television or the internet. विप्रलीन Ex:  His songs are broadcast and listened to every day throughout the world विप्रसारण Ex:  Whenever Rachmaninoff played in a concert that was broadcast विवार Ex:  Eurovision has also been broadcast outside Europe to such places as Australia विवृत Ex:  It was broadcast in two parts on NBC on November 1 and November 2 विस्फूर्जित Ex:  In English-language broadcast media within Qatar विस्फूर्जित Ex:  In English-language broadcast media within Qatar व्याक्षिप्त Ex:  Galaxy 105, Real Radio and Yorkshire Radio all broadcast from the city. व्यात्त Ex:  Radio is broadcast throughout the country व्यादीर्ण Ex:  Casablanca was the most frequently broadcast film on American television. व्यायत Ex:  Grammar Syllable consists of three vowels is pronounced d a single voice broadcast संप्रसारण Ex:  Vowel letters or meeting who speak with a single voice broadcast सन्निकोणँ समुन्मीलन समुन्मीलित सुव्यस्त स्फारित स्फूर्छित
As verb : प्रसारित करना Ex:  For the Canadian broadcast
Other : फेंका हुआ Ex:  The broadcast suffered only a few errors फैला हुआ Ex:  The longest running musical broadcast in Italy is La Corrida बोनी Ex:  2004 BBC Radio 1 cleared its schedules to broadcast a day of tributes उ:   मानसून आगमन के पश्‍चात बोनी शीघ्रता से पूरी करें।
Broadcast ki paribhasha : paalaki ke ohaar ka vah bhaag jo daravaaje ke saamane rahata hai aur jise uthaakar log paalaki men ghusate, nikalate ya usamen se baahar dekhate hain kautily arthashaastraanusaar yuddh ke samay vah sahaayata jo jngal aadi padne se praapt ho jaay taala, svar ke niyam ke anusaar shabd uchchaaran karana kiye jaanevaale ya honevaale kaamon ka kram ya vyavastha khndon ya kanon ko giraakar idhar udhar phailaana keval chitt ki umng se athava man bahalaane ya vyaayaam ke liye idhar udhar uchhalanaa, kudanaa, daudna aadi lagaataar sthaan ghiravaana benchane ke liye pradarshit ya rakha hua
Broadcast synonyms
announcement publication show transmission program advertisement performance telecast simulcast newscast air time radiocast relay televise communicate send beam transmit circulate cable telephone get out colorcast radiograph telegraph be on the air go on the air go on the airwaves put on the air disseminate distribute blare publish spread declare troll sow blazon promulgate proclaim annunciate report strew
Broadcast antonyms
bottle up conceal suppress withhold hide keep receive be quiet keep quiet secret collect gather keep secret
Usage of Broadcast in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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