Broadest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Broadest
As noun : ज़्यादा से ज़्यादाआ Ex:  ATLAS is designed to measure the broadest possible range of signals.
As adjective :
ज़्यादा से ज़ायादा Ex:  The broadest was not being able to meet the demands of everyday life.
Broadest synonyms
expansive generous deep large immense vast thick squat roomy ample capacious extended spacious voluminous widespread splay latitudinous outspread outstretched comprehensive universal far-reaching sweeping general all-inclusive copious encyclopedic far-flung ubiquitous unlimited wide-ranging all-embracing nonspecific scopic undetailed clear explicit straightforward plain open apparent unequivocal undisguised radical progressive advanced experienced open-minded permissive tolerant unbiased cultivated blue gross purple coarse dirty improper indecent indelicate low-minded off-color racy risquã© salty saucy smutty spicy suggestive unrefined unrestrained wicked
Broadest antonyms
miniature tiny restricted close-minded small-minded limited narrow quiet little thin empty exclusive particular ambiguous vague unclear obscure clean
Usage of Broadest in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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