Broth meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Broth
As noun : अनछना सूप Ex:  Drain some of the broth off the chicken .
घोलुवा Ex:  Pasteur showed that by bubbling oxygen into the yeast broth जुष्कक Ex:  Yeast Peptone Dextrose agar , and Yeast Mould agar or broth . जूस Ex:  The older potatoes would create a starchier broth उ:   【१८】गाजर का जूस भूख बढ़ाता है। ब्रॉथ Ex:  broth of herbs मांस का जूस Ex:  broth Tablet यूष Ex:  Cool the broth लालसीक Ex:  Degrease the broth शुरवा Ex:  Dip the soup Pour broth on slices of bread, a moment before serving the soup शोरबा Ex:  Food semi-liquid, made broth and slices of bread or various foodstuffs, vegetables, pasta, etc सौराव Ex:  He took a broth before leaving
Other : झोल Ex:  A basin full of soup, broth मांसरस Ex:  Carpe at broth रसा Ex:  Cut with milk broth with barley water to सूप Ex:  Give broth उ:   एजियाको, कोलंबिया का एक चिकन सूप है।
Broth ki paribhasha : pake hue maans ka paani mooang arahar aadi ki paki hui daal ka paani jo praayaः rogiyon ko pathy roop men diya jaata hai
Broth synonyms
porridge puree concoction distillation fluid splash elixir brew bowl potpourri stock hodge-podge olio chowder bouillon potage gumbo decoction pottage vichyssoise borscht dishwater consommã©
Usage of Broth in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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