Brotherhood meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brotherhood
As noun : बन्धुत्व Ex:  Blankets brotherhood of उ:   सभी नागरिक बन्धुत्व की भावना से अनुप्राणित रहते हैं।
बांधव्य Ex:  Establish an order , a brotherhood भाईचारा Ex:  It also tells of a Kind flag that is worn in processions and used to distinguish a parish or brotherhood उ:   भारत तथा अफगानिस्तान का सम्बंध काफी मित्रता तथा भाईचारा पूर्वक हैं। भैयाचार, भैयाचारा Ex:  It was the brotherhood of the cord भैवद्दी ‡ Ex:  Marguillier brotherhood of भ्रातृ संघ Ex:  Stick brotherhood stick topped by the statue of the saint, brotherhood's boss भ्रातृत्व Ex:  The name of a secret brotherhood whose mystical followers magicians claim to
Other : आपस Ex:  The brotherhood groups would link their names to a family tree उ:   ये चारों आपस में गहरा संबन्ध रखते हैं। बंधुत्व Ex:  at times, the letters were finished by this formula: Hi and brotherhood बिरादरी Ex:  He enlisted in the great brotherhood उ:   हर बिरादरी और धर्म के लिये उन्होंने काम किया। भ्रातृभाव Ex:  There brotherhood between these two men, these two families, between these two republics
Brotherhood ki paribhasha : ek hi sthaan par rahanevaale athava ek hi prakaar ka vyavasaay aadi karanevaale ve log jo milakar apana ek alag samooh banaate hain param mitr ya bndhu hone ka bhaav
Brotherhood synonyms
guild fraternity kinship clan league alliance coterie fellowship union comradeship community society affiliation clique confederacy
Brotherhood antonyms
divorce separation sisterhood
Usage of Brotherhood in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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