Brought meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brought
As noun : लाया Ex:  Japie, in October 1948 brought him to the depths of despair. उ:   इसे ब्रिटेन से खरीदकर तोड़कर अमेरिका लाया गया था।
As verb :
लाया गया Ex:  He had brought a parakeet.
Other : आनीत Ex:  the Enlightenment brought about many humanitarian reforms उपस्थापित Ex:  I brought the book of yours.
Brought synonyms
lead transfer deliver bear take carry import chaperon back usher convey tote escort conduct attend lug companion shoulder buck consort ride gather gun fetch truck guide heel pack pick up schlepp piggyback take along begin force make move produce prompt create convert engender dispose compel wreak induce effect persuade inflict occasion convince sway prevail on contribute to prevail upon result in bring in draw return gross earn afford yield net sell for serve sue institute summon prefer cite indict arraign appeal declare initiate legal action take to court
Brought antonyms
refuse avoid dodge disperse shun back out desist hold back lose keep fail disenchant repulse maintain abandon leave neglect free distribute drop quit give up pass up destroy ruin dissuade prevent hinder discourage halt stop stay take reject let go exonerate deny disclaim retract
Usage of Brought in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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