Brown meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brown
As noun : कथई Ex:  He was wearing a greenish brown shirt.
कपिश Ex:  his hat sat jauntily on his full brown hair कपिशित Ex:  cricket is an small brown insect. कपिसा Ex:  The notebook had a brown cover. उ:   उस समय इसकी राजधानी कपिसा और काबुल थी। करंजुवा Ex:  Rajini was wearing a brown sweater. खाकी कपड़ा Ex:  Of those polled, seven out of ten said they preffered brown bread. खाकी पोषाख Ex:  Patches of brown pigmentation on the face of Shruti look horrible. खाकी Ex:  You really brown me off! browned off Sl . उ:   खाकी ! पूरे की पूरी फौजी जवानों की तरह । तलना Ex:  The region is home to the world's largest known reserves of brown coal. उ:   अब कसी भी समुन्नत यूरोपीय राज्य से उसकी तलना की जा सकती थी। ताँबे का सिक्का Ex:  The cubs of brown bears निष्टपन Ex:  As its temperature continues to rise, cheese will brown and eventually burn. बादामी Ex:  Major rice pests include the brown planthopper उ:   बादामी इसके पश्चिम में स्थित है। बाभ्रुक Ex:  Tetracycline staining leads to brown bands on the areas of developing enamel. ब्राउन Ex:  They are initially mottled with brown उ:   इन्हें पलट-पलट कर, ब्राउन होने तक तल लीजिए। भूनना Ex:  The eggs are typically brown or black, with a clear, gelatin-like covering. भूरा करना Ex:  The plants die and become brown and dry. भूरा रंग Ex:  A brown suit भूरा होना Ex:  adjectively, a brown coat, a brown dress, brown cloth भूरा Ex:  brown butter, so that it becomes red Melted butter उ:   कैलिफोर्निया में भूरा भालू विलुप्त हो गया। भूरे रंग का Ex:  By affixing, brown color, approaching color the brown भ्रज्जन Ex:  CHIP is also an adjective and means of both genders who is similar to that of brown Chip मगारना Ex:  Coffee color or burned adjectively Espresso, Colour golden brown रुम्र Ex:  He also said, in everyday language, a brown Sort blackish शुतरी Ex:  I met him on the brown साँवला पड़ना Ex:  Iron ore, a brown red, which is made of pencils साँवला होना Ex:  It also takes for brown Way हरित् Ex:  It is also used as a male name for the brown color हरिनेत्र Ex:  It is not usual that in these phrases, brown-haired, brown hair साँवला
Other : ऊदा Ex:  she likes brown color खैरा Ex:  Mixed with black, it leads to brown which is a hard color. उ:   खैरा दीह, तहसील रसरा में तिरछीर के पास।
Brown ki paribhasha : pati ya premi aadi ka bodhak ek naam baadaam ke aakaar ki ek prakaar ki chhoti dibiya jisamen gahane aadi rakhate hai garam ghi ya tel aadi me dalakar kuchh der tak chalaana jisase usamen sodhaanpan aa jaay ek prakaar ke vaishnav saadhu jo tamaam sharir men raakh lagaaya karate hai laal aur kaale rng ka mishrit rng kadkadate hue ghi ya tel men dalakar pakaana
Usage of Brown in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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