Bruiser meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bruiser
Other :
मुक्केबाज उ:   इनमें इनकी एक बेटी लैला अली पेशेवर महिला मुक्केबाज हैं।
Bruiser synonyms
warrior champion mercenary assailant militant soldier boxer combatant opponent heavy competitor bully rival belligerent contender aggressor antagonist contestant gladiator wildcat tanker warlord gi brawler scrapper battler disputant slugger duelist punching bag jouster person-at-arms serviceperson crook racketeer hooligan bandit mobster hoodlum thug criminal robber ruffian pusher desperado dealer mafioso hit person member of the family jerk dope ninny moron nincompoop sap strong-arm bozo gorilla tough guy clod dunce imbecile clown klutz yokel dolt half-wit bumpkin idiot boor blunderer brute fool beast hayseed chump clodhopper lout loser simpleton lunkhead dumb ox rough roughneck punk villain rowdy prizefighter mug
Bruiser antonyms
peacemaker police law brain genius handyman
Usage of Bruiser in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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