Brush meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brush
As noun : अठान० Ex:  I need to brush up my Sanskrit before I start chanting shlokas.
अथवनापु Ex:  Villagers use brush wood as fuel. अपरव Ex:  I brush my teeth everyday. उरेहपु Ex:  He knocked the glass off the table with a brush of his coat. कटाकटी Ex:  I need to brush my French up a little bit . कमंध Ex:  I need to brush up my French . कलकल Ex:  I need to brush up on my German . किंन्नर Ex:  John went to the bathroom to brush his teeth . कूँची Ex:  Fire management also expanded meadows and reduced brush within woodlands कूची Ex:  A brush cutesy क्षाल Ex:  A brush to clean the head खटारना Ex:  A brush to heal horses खरखशा Ex:  A large brush खरोंच Ex:  A large brush delicacy उ:   गेंद के खरदुरी तरफ गेंद की सतह पर खरोंच और गड्ढे हैं। खरोट, खरोट Ex:  A vigorous brush खुसुमत Ex:  Action brush or effect of something verging गट्ठा Ex:  Action brush or result of the action, within the meaning of Giving blows to inflict a defeat or ग्राममदगुरिका Ex:  Action brush or result of this action घांघल Ex:  By analogy, Hair brush चकरवा Ex:  Clean ridding the land in which the brush 'invaded चला जाना Ex:  Cleaning a brush चित्रकारी Ex:  Countries covered brush उ:   यह चित्रकारी वस्त्रों पर की जाती है। चित्रलेखनिका Ex:  Cover with a color coating is roughly brush चित्रलेखनी Ex:  Cover with brush चित्राम Ex:  Full color Painting, Painting with a very full color brush चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  Getting brush by his servant छालना Ex:  Having the sword, sword, pen, hand brush छूकर निकल जाना Ex:  He also says if a brush adapted to a handle, with which cleans the gun when he shot and want to reload or cool the झगड़ा Ex:  He lived his brush उ:   मैं ऐसा नहीं कर सकता, परंतु ऐसा करने के लिए आपसे झगड़ा नहीं करूँगा। झगरो Ex:  He served first, it was new brush झड़ना Ex:  His brush has the force झाड़ीदार मैदान Ex:  Instrument makes sickle to cut brushwood, brush and grass as झाडू Ex:  It also means Cover with a color coating is roughly brush उ:   फूल की झाडू चिकने फर्शों के लिए अच्छी होती है। झुरमुट Ex:  It is said in the same direction A soft brush टँड Ex:  It said, in terms of Art, some brushes that have a resemblance to a bottle brush and wood used to clean bottles ठकठक Ex:  It should brush this dress so Bedrooms hair and not to the turn ठाँयँ ठाँयँ Ex:  It still means a brush for cleaning clothes, fabrics, etc ठीक ठाक करना Ex:  Large flat brush डाँड़ामेँड़ा Ex:  Make crop, brush up Hair तूलिका Ex:  Meeting bushes where game retires, well covered with brush तृणकूर्चिका Ex:  Moisten with water or some other liquid with a rod or a bottle brush दाँताकिटकिट Ex:  Naïveté style, language, brush दुस्पृष्ट Ex:  One who craft brush धीरे से स्पर्ष करना Ex:  Paint a Table, The run with a brush धुलाई Ex:  Painting cut sheet so that the cutout forms a pattern which is reproduced on the surface of an object, passing on said sheet a color brush loaded उ:   सामान्य धुलाई पानी, साबुन और सोडे से की जाती है। धोना Ex:  pencil hardness, brush धौँना Ex:  Pencil sketch, pen, brush नेवर Ex:  Representation of one or more Figures, a landscape, a piece of architecture, of any object, made in pencil, pen, brush or any other instrument उ:   नेवर से नेवर अगेन इस प्रारूप में भी जारी किया गया। नोकाझोंकी Ex:  Rub with a brush न्योरा Ex:  Skip through the brush पछालना Ex:  soft brush, brush whose keys are wide, fat and well melted पषालना Ex:  Species cane or rod which painters use to support the hand holding the brush पेंटिंग Ex:  Species that are brush is used to clean clothes, fabrics, etc उ:   प्रसिद्ध मधुबनी कला की पेंटिंग भी खरीदी जा सकती है। पौँछना Ex:  Spraying with a brush प्रछारना Ex:  swampy plain, covered with reeds and thick brush प्रछालना Ex:  The delicacy of his brush प्रणयकलह Ex:  The participle past works and means adjectively Who looks like a brush प्रणेजन Ex:  The softness of the brush, the firmness of default in handling the brush प्रतिस्पर्द्धा Ex:  The sweetness of his brush फींचना ‡ Ex:  This artist's chisel, the delicate brush बजहाई Ex:  This says a wide brush that is used by painters and also of different sizes brush Kind, composed of bristles, which painters make use to place their colors on the canvas बतकहाव Ex:  To brush the facade of a house, the walls of a kitchen बतबढा़व Ex:  Wear hair brush बमचख Ex:  Whoever brush बहुकरा Ex:  Wipe clean with a brush बुरुश Ex:  wolf head, round brush Kind used to clean the ceilings, the angles of the parts उ:   बुरुश छोटे और लंबे हत्थों के होते हैं। ब्रश Ex:  Works out of the brush from this artist उ:   इससे ब्रश में बैक्टीरिया नहीं पनपते हैं। भटभेरापु Ex:  , the brush success, bankruptcy भांडन Ex:  , where there is a thick shrub assembly, shrubs, brush भिडंत Ex:  Color sunset means particularly in terms of paint, expanding color with the brush to one side of the other, before melting the मर्जू Ex:  It is said in a registration or any drawing drawn dry point, pencil or even brush on the plaster of a wall in an ancient city, on the body of a terracotta vase on the bottom of a dish, etc मार्जनी Ex:  Manier cleverly brush मुखप्रक्षालना Ex:  Natural History Who is brush shape मुखमसा मुफसिद मुसव्विरी मूर्त्तिविद्या रगड़कर धोना रगड़कर साफ़ करना राढ़ ‡ रारि लिपिकर्म लोमड़ी की पूँछ वादयुद्ध विप्रलप्त विरोधक्रिया विवाद उ:   इस दर्शन की सूत्रसंख्या में विवाद है। विवादवस्तु व्यावक्रोशी शरशोर शोब संखड संस्पर्श करना सजाना सफ़ाई से झाड़ना सफ़ाई उ:   जिसके संबंध में पतंजलि की ओर से सफ़ाई भी दी। सांपराय साझना सिंगारना, सिँगारना हलका स्पर्श हल्का स्पर्श पूँछ उ:   पूँछ का निचला भाग भी काला होता है। सँवारना
As verb : ब्रुश से झाडना या साफ करना Ex:  , Making new brush , thought of Domestic and employees who serve well in the first days of their entry into a home
Other : झपट Ex:  In terms of Arts designates a brush hairs of this animal that is used by painters and gilders झाड़ी Ex:  In terms of painting, brush lover, Paintbrush whose key is the soft, soft, lightweight, delicate उ:   झाड़ी स्तर और वन तल अत्यंत अंधेरे में रहते हैं। मुठभेड़ उ:   उसकी कथित मुठभेड़ के कारण पूरे राजस्थान में विरोध प्रदर्शन हुए। रगड़ना साफ़ करना
Brush ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ko doosare padaarth par rakhakar dabaate hue baar baar idhar udhar chalaana kisi chij se usake chhote chhote angon ya anshon ka toot tootakar girana nakh aadi lagane ya aur kisi prakaar chhilane ka halaka chihn sngit men madhyam svar ki chaar shrutiyon men se antim shruti kulhiya jisamen mistri jamaayi jaati hai kisi baat ya vastu par jabaani jhagad bahut se chhote chhote pedon ka samooh ya jhuramut ghode ke pair ka vah ghaav jo doosare pair ki thokar ya ragad se ho jaata hai baalon ka bana hua kooancha jisase topi ya joote ityaadi saaph kiye jaate hai angreji dhng ki bani hui kisi prakaar ka kooanchi jo chijon ko rangane, saaph karane ya paalish aadi karane ke kaam men aati hai
Brush synonyms
broom mop toothbrush sweeper besom polisher hairbrush waxer run-in tussle clash rub engagement conflict fracas skirmish tap encounter confrontation set-to thicket scrub shrubbery undergrowth grove cover coppice hedge copse dingle sedge underwood brushwood fern gorse bracken spinney chaparral boscage shave flick smooth scrape caress skim kiss tickle graze contact stroke glance wash wipe paint buff
Brush antonyms
surrender calm lot agreement harmony peace dirty
Usage of Brush in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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