Brush off meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Brush off
As noun : अच्छी तरह से झाड़ना
इनकार करना इन्कार उ:   परन्तु अंग्रेज़ सरकार ने फिर भी उन्हें रिहा करने से इन्कार कर दिया। ननुकारना व्यवाकृति
Brush off ki paribhasha : ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par karana
Brush off synonyms
boycott brush aside contradict cut deny disclaim dismiss disown disregard ostracize override rebuff refuse reject repudiate scorn slight snub spurn cold-shoulder send away sweep aside
Brush off antonyms
attend pay attention
Usage of Brush off in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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