Built in meaning in hindi
As noun : तनुमत् Ex:  The first submarine built in series, however, was human-powered.
सन्निहित Ex:  50 units were built in 1881 for the Russian government. उ: शनि, शनि ग्रह है सन्निहित है।
As adjective : अन्तर्निहित Ex:  A new pool is being built in the stadium. उ: मनुष्य की अन्तर्निहित पूर्णता को अभिव्यक्त करना ही शिक्षा है।
Built in ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki agni
ExamplesBuilt in synonyms
innate congenital essential implicit inborn inbred incorporated inseparable integral part and parcel in-built numbered involved enclosed covered entered inserted combined embodied comprehended constituted admitted comprised subsumed encompassed counted part of ingenerate organic vital chronic deep-rooted confirmed dyed-in-the-wool established fixed habitual subconscious longstanding deep down deeply felt longtime lodged in one's brain receive introduce add consist of have carry hold build interpolate implicate entail encircle interject bear embrace inject embody append accommodate take in take into account allow for be composed of be made up of build in cut in on make allowance for make room for number among teem with work in fundamental hereditary indelible inveterate ineradicable implanted in the blood inbuilt latent internal genetic instinctive characteristic distinctive elementary immanent indigenous indispensable individual inherited inner integrated intimate inward original resident subjective in the grain running in the family unalienable institute invest station place lay inaugurate settle ensconce position line furnish induct fix up instate put in elemental underlying peculiar central genuine inmost material particular real constitutive true endemic wild natal inwrought unacquired utter complete thorough Built in antonyms
extrinsic learned added extra acquired not included rejected excluded left out unnatural contracted temporary erase subtract decrease lack need estimate guess unloose refuse shun deny release eliminate divide drop separate abandon forget withdraw want stop fail remove let go take out neglect incidental superficial surface auxiliary minor unimportant external secondary disorder disorganize unsettle disarrange take away close end displace leave accidental alien foreign outside incomplete Usage of Built in in sentences
The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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