Bulgy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bulgy
As adjective : उद्गत
उभरा हुआ उभरी हुई उभरौंहा उभाड़दार
Bulgy synonyms
distended rising rolling swelling undulating wavy bouncy bouncing ebbing and flowing heaving rippled rippling rising and falling swirling waving bulging arched bent raised biconvex bulged gibbous outcurved protuberant bloated blown enlarged full increased inflamed inflated distent expanded puffed up tumid bursting expanding
Bulgy antonyms
concave sinking depressed flat tight unswollen deflated shrunken compressed contracted
Usage of Bulgy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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