Bulls eye meaning in hindi
Bulls eye synonyms
butt omphalos dead center direct hit hole in one home run quintain heart place hub kernel essence seat pivot midst axis interior core gist nucleus marrow mainstream inside pith quick root focal point middle of the road nave polestar centrality hotbed cynosure centrum navel centriole equidistance intermediacy radial point identical definite explicit literal rigorous correct clear-cut express right careful distinct downright faithful faultless methodical nice orderly particular right on sharp unequivocal unerring veracious verbal verbatim true dead on nailed down on target on the button on the money on the numbers spotlight limelight headquarters locus meeting place nerve center point of convergence bull's eye function duty use end object aim prey purpose ambition objective precise appropriate ideal proper suitable fit required textbook needed close requisite model certain dead-on strict very to a t to a turn limited different definitive individual specialized unique peculiar unambiguous characteristic set sole categorical clean-cut especial flat out outright reserved restricted straight-out cut fine drawn fine hit nail on head destination intention ground zero advantage sweep winning gain defeat triumph control prize laurels conquest upset killing supremacy dominion overthrow superiority ascendancy destruction upper hand grand slam subjugation clean sweep defeating feather in cap mission accomplished the gold classic coup masterpiece masterwork showpiece meisterstuck best seller crowning accomplishment crowning stroke icing on the cake smash hit work of a master work of a past master chef d'oeuvre feather in one's cap accurate precisely bulls-eye on the mark well-aimed median Bulls eye antonyms
exterior outside boundary margin outskirts periphery rim surroundings exteriority border edge inaccurate indefinite inexact uncertain vague ambiguous incorrect unreliable flawed imprecise wrong obscure loose fuzzy approximate careless uncareful surface unimportance unsuitable unacceptable inappropriate unsuited imperfect incomplete unfinished false improper unfitting slow inferior second-rate unbroken part unlimited like resembling similar standard indistinct equivocal commonplace usual normal undefined ordinary general loss forfeit weakness inferiority failure subservience Usage of Bulls eye in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb, noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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