Bungle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bungle
As noun : गड्डबड्ड
घपला घापट सांकर्य
Bungle ki paribhasha : do paraspar bhinn vastuon ki aisi milaavat jisamen ek se doosare ko alag karana kathin ho
Bungle synonyms
flub gum up err miscalculate botch screw up mismanage muff mishandle fudge mar ruin butcher fumble spoil boggle foul up ball up louse up drop the ball goof up make a mess of
Bungle antonyms
grow succeed help do well fix manage
Usage of Bungle in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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