Burdensome meaning in hindi
As adjective : उदूढ Ex:  burdensome load
गरुअ गरुअर गरुवा गरूपु गरेरुआ जब्बर पीडाकार पीड़ाकार भारी उ: इस दौरान यहां भक्तों की भारी भीड़ होती है। मोहकम
Other : कठिन Ex:  He fears being burdensome उ: इसमें प्रवेश के लिये प्रतियोगिता अत्यन्त कठिन है। कष्टदायक Ex:  In the works of mediocre artists, often key is shy or burdensome बोझिल भारभूत
ExamplesBurdensome synonyms
onerous taxing demanding oppressive difficult disturbing exacting exigent heavy irksome tough trying wearing weighty wearying carking crushing superincumbent Burdensome antonyms
trivial helpful easy calm aiding helping relieving unburdensome Usage of Burdensome in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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