Burgle meaning in hindi
As verb : सेंध मारकर चोरी करना
ExamplesBurgle synonyms
interrupt steal barge in breach butt in interfere interject intervene invade meddle raid trespass break and enter burst in rip rummage trash pillage gut sack despoil plunder take strip loot waste grab go through rip off smash and grab tip over bereave cheat lose mug defraud divest hijack ransack swipe appropriate embezzle abscond thieve purloin disinherit roll hustle pilfer relieve oust filch lift snitch promote swindle cop pinch heist scrounge withhold requisition dispossess strong-arm liberate peculate do out of hold up break into defalcate stick up Burgle antonyms
protect organize give offer save build receive order clothe refuse reject bequeath condemn demote release help cover keep return stop hold hurt be honest Usage of Burgle in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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